Still 2nd September 2015 and on our wonderful bus trip around Paris
We bought tickets on the Hop On Hop Off Bus
These tickets lasted for 2 or 3 days
By road or boat whenever we liked........Just hop on and hop off if you want to look at something and then back on again
Here we are coming upon Francois Mitterrand Quay
Here 'tis along with the River Seine in the background
Our first look at this and boy was I excited
Two quick views of the Musee des Antiques in passing
Francois Mitterrand Quay
Paris - 1st arr.
The Louvre Quay
Quay of La Megisserie
Quay of Gesvres
Beautiful lamp posts everywhere
Paris - 4th arr
Ile de la Cite
I'm not used to seeing such crowds
Cars, bikes, people.......they all seem to work together here
Still 4th arr
Petit Pont
Next time still on 6th arr, Champs-Elysées and seeing the Eiffel Tower up close!!!