This blog is all about me......I come here for respite in between caring for JoJo (our Daughter who has Special Needs)......I am addicted to starting new projects......I am becoming a fabric-a-holic... I love to try out recipes... take a beach walk and breathe in that salty blue to have coffee...sip a glass of a book......I am Queen of the Armchair and am inspired by all the wonderful blogs out there!!!
Showing posts with label Musical Instruments. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Musical Instruments. Show all posts

Tuesday, May 24, 2016

~A Carer's Gathering......Kiama~

I was lucky enough to be able to attend a Carer Gathering last week at The Sebel Town House in beautiful Kiama
Lucky for me that afternoon there was a Farmer's Market just down the road from where we were staying

Entrance to the market

and coming out of it.  There were 3 Buskers in attendance so that was pretty good!!!

Alternate menu for the evening for dinner
Being Gluten Free I had Fish without the Batter

Dessert was pretty good!!!
Salted Caramel  Creme Brûlée with Vanilla Bean Ice Cream
Very yummy but couldn't really taste the Caramel

I'm not a Painter but the next day elected to try Painting with Music
We had to choose 4 paint colours
My choices were (from left) teal, a sandstone colour, we had to choose white and a deep purple

and pasterpiece lol
I haven't touched paint since High School in First Year so this was pretty cool
Being right handed my left hand was busting to have a go so I let it!!!
Lots of 'scraping' and 'flicking' happening

Then we did some drawings/sketchings to music
I used an organic charcoal.......never held a piece of charcoal before so this was a new experience for me
The 3rd square's song was Red, Red Wine
and the fourth one was Brown Eyed Girl
The 5th one was a pattern I did in 4th class at school but I just couldn't do straight lines!!!

I tried a music class also
and got to play these wooden blocks and a steady beat to the drum

A little bit of organ guided by pink papers lol

Electronic drums

Even a Base Guitar......a, d, e

That evening was a Mad Hatter's Ball and I wore a velvet hat brought back from Venice by DS together with a velvet silk dyed coat

Table decorations were awesome

A quick photo with Sean at the back and another lady

Goat's Cheese Panna Cotta......yummy
The dinner here

This was funded by The Shaw Building Group, Canberra
and hosted by Carers ACT (Australian Capital Territory)

Thank You so much everyone there
We all had a fabulous time!!!
You Guys Rock!!!

The next day Mr Armchair picked me up and we met at Kangaroo Valley
We had a bit of lunch
Mr Armchair had a Salmon/Salad Sandwich

Portobello Mushrooms for me

And who would've thought
A bowl of Tomatoes towards the end of May
Unheard of in our part of the World!!!

A lovely little get-away for me with Mr Armchair taking over Caring Duties
And the best part.......I got to sleep all night as JoJo has taken to waking during the evening!!!!

Till next time, Dzintra xo

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

~ F L O R I A D E ~ 2012

Last week JoJo and I took the drive up with Mr Armchair to see Canberra's Floriade

but secretly the real reason JoJo loves this event is that the Australia Fair Street Organ is there

along with the Ferris Wheel

Front of the Organ

and back...JoJo with Rick the Gentleman who travels with this marvelous piece and me

JoJo's choice of music ~Phantom of the Opera~

and I couldn't help thinking of my Brother when I saw these
He just loved Al Johnson while growing up

JoJo was thrilled when Rick gave her his postcard
Thanks so much Rick......we'll be back again next year......but you know that don't you

Next was the ferris wheel ride

The view looking down on part of Floriade

JoJo had to have a clown game

Gorgeous tulips
For last year's trip to Floriade and more pics click here

By then it was time for a coffee
Check out these light fittings in the tent

One of the stalls had a vast array of felt goods

Lovely 'stick ladies'

We caught the freebie bus back into town......this bus reminded me of a London Bus with its top deck

One of the scenes going back into town

A beautiful floral display in the Canberra Centre

On the way home we called into my Daughter's for dinner before driving back home again
Here I am with my little Grand daughter Lidija......she just loves cuddles......and to sing songs
We thoroughly enjoyed our lovely day out and look forward to next year's Floriade

Monday, August 13, 2012

~Happy Birthday JoJo~

This post is for JoJo
she waits all year for her birthday...and we have been counting down for 66 sleeps and now it's finally here!

Normally she's not one for jewellery but while shopping at the Canberra Centre she spotted the Pandora stand and chose this blue September birthstone ring...the stone is Lapis Lazuli which is not her birthstone
but it is her favourite colour

The actual birthstone for August is Peridot

She'd been asking for some red drums for a while now and we tracked some down
the look on her face was priceless when she opened her door to them!!!

We went out for dinner to Monet's with good friends Asta, Fiona and David
this is the view when I went there in the afternoon to deliver the balloons

Some stars that fell out of an envelope when she opened a card 

JoJo started off with Garlic Prawns for dinner

followed by Fish'nChips

Mr Armchair chose Sushi 

and I  had Lemongras Chicken

All finished off with a Wiggles Birthday Cake
She had a lovely lovely day and an equally lovely weekend with her brother, sister and niece and nephew here to celebrate!

Over the weekend JoJo's brother and partner came down and they all found a new track to walk on

with a lovely view in the background

Whilst us adults were celebrating on Saturday these 2 little tech savy munchkins were quite happy with each other's company......along with mum's ipad!

A lovely few days celebrating
Happy Happy Birthday dear JoJo!!!
She loves all occasions
and now the countdown is on to Christmas!!!

Welcome To My World

Hello, my name is Dzintra Ingrid ... have been known as Ingrid and since our Sea Change I have started to use Dzintra ... pronounced without the D ... (but still known as Ingrid, I know, it's confusing ...)

Welcome to my world ... a journal of our Sea Change ... Mum to three wonderful children ... bringing up a daughter with a disability and seeing life through her eyes ... being a new Nanna ... photos ... inspiring quotes ... taking on a cookery course ... the odd recipe ... and trying to get some stitching done amongst all this ...