As has been over the news the last days our gorgeous Sunshine State of Queensland is a disaster area with many towns flooded and cut off...lives taken...people missing...houses submerged...
The gals over at Gum Tree Designers have put out an appeal called 'New Beginnings' for Sewing Kits to be distributed to various Sewing Groups around the areas...
Sewing Kits called for are basic...
I will be putting together a kit similar to this one and sending it on...
I'm sure any donation will be gratefully accepted so that the crafters can have some stitching to do when they are ready as no doubt all their supplies of their beloved hobby will have been destroyed...
For more information about this appeal visit The Gum Tree Designers over here...
Kits will be put together on 1st February ready to distribute...
Pic taken in Ipswich a city of 160,000...
My Heart and Prayers are with you all in Queensland...God Bless