Cottage on the Hill mug and a lovely centre piece of pink flowers in a vase
Our kit for the day
comprised of a Lynette Anderson Easter Table Topper
Here's Lynette showing off the Sampler piece
A few Hexagons made
I caught up with Suzie
It was a windy day and chairs were required to hold the doors open
Dear Shez came around to the tables
Hello Girls would anyone like some fruit........being banana sweets lol
Our table
Kate received my Swap Gift
We were each given a stitchery by Lynette to use and make something out of it
I made a Stitching Towel to use as a protector for the table to lay one's sewing work on
Dawnie was prepared to fight for it lol
A copy of the Stitchery available over here
Thank You Lynette
I received my Swap Gift from Shez
a little bag which is holding my Hexagons
Thank You Shez......I love it and my Hexies are still sitting there
During the day I caught up with Lynette
Kate proudly showing her cushion
And group Bloggers pic to finish off the day
There was more Show-and-tell that evening
Here is Susan with her gorgeous quilt
JoJo even became involved and showed us her new poster
And more Show-and-tell
I'll be back with more pics of Sunday
Happy Stitching......Dzintra