Welcome to 2011!!!
Let's hope this is a wonderful year...full of Love, Peace, Happiness and Prosperity for everyone...
I received this dear little cushion off my dear Sister...how apt I thought...
D R E A M!!!
We celebrated the New Year with my Brother and Sister...at midnight we said Cheers with pink bubbly and watched the spectacular fireworks on Sydney Harbour...
I thought I'd take some pics off the tele and I am more than pleased how they turned out...Aren't they terrific!!!
I can honestly say Sydney Harbour just looked spectacular this New Year!!!
Coming back home I thought I might think about projects to start off the New Year...mind you, I'm still thinking...the beach keeps calling LOL!!!
We all receive 'homework' from my Needlework Group run by Fiona...
Our project this year is a stitchery (we all receive a different one)...this time Shabby Roses by Jenny of Elefantz
The stitcheries will all be put together and a quilt made up from them which shall then be raffled towards the end of the year!!!
This one should be beautiful!!!
Thank you so much Fiona for all the hard work you do for our Group!!!
Then from the Homespun magazine a few issues back I fell in love with this coffee warmer and am putting together some fabrics for it...if the beach doesn't distract me too much!!!
I am determined to finish this cross stitch off too...
Last time I touched it was 2005!!!
And I really only have the right hand side of the house and The Auction sign to finish off!!!
That should keep me out of trouble for a while!!!
Our wealth lies not in what we have but in what we enjoy...Anonymous
Happy New Year...and let's enjoy every moment!!!