Showing posts with label vegtables. Show all posts
Showing posts with label vegtables. Show all posts

We All Scream For... Brussels Sprouts

Broccoli and cabbage, yum! Who wouldn't want this truck in their neighbourhood? Reminds me of the cart that drives around here in the summer, ringing a bell. You start salivating, until you see it's the knife-sharpening guy. Oh, I've got a dull blade for you!

From t-shirt desginer Glennz, who must have seen Bart of Darkness too:
"Chili! Red-hot Texas-style chili! And we got gingerale. Boiling-hot Texas-style gingerale!

Previously on Popped Culture...

The Green Thumb Is Strong With This One
The Second Coming of Chocolate Jesus
What Would Pacman Eat?