Showing posts with label 1980s. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 1980s. Show all posts

Let's Go Do Some Crimes

You cannot go wrong with a Repo Man reference. Also, I can't believe this is my first Repo Man post in all these years. I have been remiss. From 100% Soft (Truck Torrence’s) Lil MacGuffins show at Bottleneck Gallery. Be sure to check out the other nine.

Previously on Popped Culture…
League of Extraordinary Gentlemen: 1988
All 80's, All The Time
80's Film Iconography

Star Wars High

What if Star Wars didn't happen a long time ago in a galaxy far, far away, but in the '80s, at a high school? Denis Medri's character redesigns will transport you there, where the Millenium Falcon is a classic Trans AM, Luke looks like Marty McFly's brother and Yoda is the wise coach. Awesome.

Previously on Popped Culture...
Lionel Richie In A Galaxy Far Far Away…
Boba Fett VS Road Runner
Vader Got Served

The Cheers Intelligence Graph

I agree with this chart wholeheartedly, but Cliff Clavin just below Diane? "Who are three people who have never been in my kitchen?" I rest my case (Dan Meth: #18 in a series of pop-cultural charts)

Previously on Popped Culture...
NYC Sitcom Map: 30 Rock Via Taxi
Worry About The Replicants, Not The Apes
Head North Through Wonderland, Then It's Straight On To Narnia

It's Astro Mega Robo Iron Gadget Prime Time Fools!

"Just thought I'd take some of meh fav 80's cybernetic and robotic characters and temporarily team them up for no apparent reason other than kicking a multitude of ass," says kizer180. I support this kind of random pairing and demand more of it, internet!

Previously on Popped Culture...
Go Go Vitruvian Inspector Gadget
If Stark Industries Had Created Astroboy...
Mystery Machine Transformer

80's Film Iconography

That's a lot of great movies on one shirt. I tried to guess them all and failed. So here's what was pulled together by commentators at /film. Don't read it if you want to take a stab at it first. (80's Filmography T-shirt by supermarket)

1) Gremlins, Brazil
2) Terminator, Bladerunner, Return of the Jedi, Back to the Future
3) Platoon, War Games, Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade, The Empire Strike Back
4) Princess Bride, Ghostbusters
5) Full Metal Jacket, Raiders of the Lost Ark, Karate Kid, Goonies
6) RoboCop, ET, Die Hard, They Live
7) Breakfast Club, Good Morning Vietnam

Previously on Popped Culture...

Bloom County: To Russia With Love

Dismayed that there has never been a Bloom County movies (what's up with that, Berkeley Breathed?), Jesse J. Barboza went ahead and created a plot and poster, featuring the whole cast:

"I began kicking around a plot idea similar to the 1984 anti-Commie "classic" Red Dawn - something like the Ruskies invade Milo's Meadow and all hell breaks loose. But then I built on it even further with the idea that the Russians kidnap former Communist defector Bill the Cat, and it's up to the residents of the Bloom Boarding House to bring him back in one piece."

Previously on Popped Culture...

1.21 Gigawatts? Great Scott!

Phantom City Creative's poster for a screening of Back to the Future at the TIFF Bell Lightbox, as part of a series of '80s cult classics, showing this Saturday afternoon. Right in my own backyard - I need to pay more attention. (via Reelizer)

Previously on Popped Culture...

He's Been Missing All Night Long

Is it me you're looking for? I have a sense that I'm the last person on the internets to see this, but funny is funny. '80s reference FTW! (Reddit via Neatorama)

Previously on Popped Culture...

Appetite for Eternia

Take me down
To Eternia city
Where the grass is green
And the girls are pretty
Take me home

Guns N' Roses meets the Masters of the Universe, by Joey Spiotto. Available at TeeFury.

Previously on Popped Culture....

Pretty In Pink, Isn't She?

Oh Molly, will you ever end up with a boy that's right for you? I mean, of course not, the '80s are long gone, but Dave MacDowell perfectly captures her pining for the upcoming John Hughes tribute show at Gallery 1988.

And here's the Psychedelic Furs to get you in the proper mood:

Previously on Popped Culture...

Gary & Wyatt's Guide To Actually Making A Girl

If Anthony Michael Hall was able to conjure Kelly LeBrock out of a computer in 1995, why can't I do the same on my laptop in 2011? Get on that, Internet!

Actually Making a Girl, by Dave Perillo. Inspired by Weird Science, for Gallery 1988's upcoming John Hughes tribute show. (Link via Clutch Blog)

Previously on Popped Culture...

The Ultimate Video Game Party

This reminds so much of my gaming days. No, not all the characters, but sitting and watching other people play. From Rachel Morris' cool series of video game posters for The NYU Game Center. (Link via Rampaged Reality)

Previously on Popped Culture...

I Love It When A Menagerie Comes Together

I can't resist an A-Team parody, and a hyena as "Howling Mad" Murdock is inspired. Vote now for The Animal Team by Bocognani Florent, over at Threadless. (Link via Super Punch)

Previously on Popped Culture...

Never EVER Feed Them After Midnight

With Mogwai's being such potentially dangerous creatures, you want to be sure people understand the dangers involved, no matter what their language.

Tom Whalen, above, in infographic form and Scott Derby, below, in tattoo style make sure everyone knows the rules:

1. Don't get him wet.
2. Keep him away from bright lights.
3. Don't ever feed him after midnight

Both are from the September Gallery 1988 3G show inspired by the 80's classics Ghostbusters, Goonies and Gremlins.

Previously on Popped Culture...
In Case Of Zombies
How To Spot A Wolfman
...And Then The '80s Exploded

Strawberry Shortcake Felds Forever

Living is easy with eyes closed, misunderstanding all you see.
It's getting hard to be someone but it all works out.
It doesn't matter much to me.

What would make Strawberry Shortcake so sad? And I'm assuming that is jam not blood streaming down her cheeks, otherwise this would be way too creepy. (strawberry fields forever by Audrey Pongracz)

Previously on Popped Culture...
The Toy Rebellion
Cartoon Girls Gone Wild
Rainbow Brite Bloodbath

The Creation of Mario

Video games will never be art? Take that, Roger Ebert! Of course I really didn't need to see Mario naked, but at least he has a digitized leaf so I don't need to scrape the entirety of my brain.

Mario creator Shigeru Miyamoto gives life to his Nintendo creation in TsaoShin's homage to Michelangelo's The Creation of Adam. (Link via Neatorama)

Previously on Popped Culture...
Creation of Homer
Creation of Kermit
Cowabunga, Painter Dudes