Showing posts with label Last Supper. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Last Supper. Show all posts

The Last Robot Apocalypse Supper

“But woe to that robot who betrays the Son of Man! It would be better for him if he had not been built.”

Robot Rescue, by Mark Bryan for Gallery 1988's show Robot Carnival.

Previously on Popped Culture...
Suddenly Last Supper
All of the Pop Culture Last Suppers
Here I Am, Brain The Size Of A Planet...

Orphan Black Last Supper

Whatever pop culture thing I'm obsessing on eventually becomes a Last Supper. Rachel as Judas seems apropos. (Things Drawn on Orphan Black)

Previously on Popped Culture...
Suddenly Last Supper
So Many More Last Suppers

Ellen's Last Supper Oscar Selfie

This was, of course, inevitable. And I can see Julia Roberts as Ellen's Judas (but she should be holding an Oscar instead of a bag of coins. But why was Leonarado DiCaprio included?

Can't find the source, so pass along if you know it. (h/t to Karen Geier)

Previously on Popped Culture...
Suddenly Last Supper
Even More Last Suppers

Wil Wheaton's Last Supper

So Wil Wheaton is the son of God. Huh. Artist Wayne Dorrington isn't saying he is for sure, but, well, he did this, based on his show TableTop. You be the judge. List of disciples at his site (Geekdad via John Farrier)

Previously on Popped Culture...
Suddenly Last Supper
Even More Last Suppers
Wil Wheaton And The Unicorn Kitteh Of Death!

Game Of Thrones Last Supper

Got sucked into a Game of Thrones reddit thread and came across this Last Supper illustration by sheilalala on deviantart. My current and constant obsession together at last!

The disciples of Christ (in this case Tyrion "The Imp" Lannister) are divided between House Stark and House Lannister (and the small council), which doesn't seem like a very cohesive group - and adds a few extra disciples. It also appears to make Catelyn Stark the Judas figure to Tyrion's Christ. She did kidnap him, sure, but I'm not far enough in the books to know if there's more to it than that.

Previously on Popped Culture...
So Many Last Suppers
Target Joffrey Baratheon
Winter Is Coming, Hobbes, Winter Is Coming

The Daleks Last Supper

I don't know my Dr. Who well enough to know the significance of the Dalek Christ figure, but I can guess which one gets exterminated! (The Last Supper of the Daleks by The Daily Dalek; H/T John Farrier)

Previously on Popped Culture...
Suddenly Last Supper
Many More Last Suppers
Harry Potter And The Dalmentor's Kiss

Batman's Last Supper

There are enough Batman characters to make their own Last Supper? Clearly, yes. It's times like this that I have to admit my comics knowledge is puddle deep. Apparently that is Nightwing in the Judas position, but wasn't who the artist, Glasmond, had intended. Anywho the Latin translates to family comes before all things or family over everything. (The last thanksgiving batfam supper by Glasmond)

Previously on Popped Culture...

The Last Mythological Supper

Mickey Mouse betrays Christ in Cam Rackam's Now Accepting All Major Credit Cards, a commissioned painting from M Shadows of Avenged Sevenfold. It's quite the band of motley disciples, featuring L-R: A unicorn, leprechaun, the Headless Horseman, Santa, the Tooth Fairy, Jesus, an alien, the Easter Bummy, the Loch Ness Monster, Bigfoot, Death and a jackalope. (Thanks Cam)

Previously on Popped Culture...

8-Bit Last Supper

Divine Intervention by Aled Lewis for the iam8bit art show. Wow, it's been awhile since I've posted a Last Supper, and it used to be my blogging bread and butter.

Previously on Popped Culture...

The Last Last Last Last Last Last Supper

I used to think that the Last Supper took place the day before Good Friday, but I have been reliably informed by my colleague @holycharlie that it actually takes place on Wednesday. But seeing as the rest of you are likely as theologically misinformed as I am that I should point out my ridiculously large (though not complete) collection of pop culture Last Supper parodies and the Last Supper tag. They're sacrilicious!

Previously on Popped Culture
Suddenly Last Supper
How To Tell Your Kids About The Easter Bunny
Battlestar Galact-egg-a

Last Supper in South Park

Pop surrealist Ron English has returned to the subject of the Last Supper for his contribution to a South Park pop art show. English was one of the first Last Supper parodies to catch my eye and is the first painting in my original collection of 100 Last Suppers.

This time round he takes to the denizens of South Park and haves himself a time. Unlike most parodies, this one actually has a Jesus as Jesus, as Christ conveniently lives in Colorado. His Judas? Mr. Hat - no surprise there. Towelie as the table cloth is a nice touch and Mr. Hankey as the body? Gross.

Previously on Popped Culture...

The Office Last Supper

The Office's Michael Scott is such a leader that he's picked up an extra half dozen disciples in illustrator Seth Patrick's version of the Last Supper. I must admit to not being an Office acolyte but Seth tell me that Dwight is is Judas to Michael's Jesus (which makes sense from what little I know) and Holly Flax is in the John/Mary Magdalene slot in the Da Vinci Code tradition. Click thorough for all the table detail. (Michael Scott's Last Supper by Seth Patrick)

Previously on Popped Culture...

Endless Last Supper

A commission by artist Tom Fowler featuring Neil Gaiman's The Endless: Destiny, Death, Dream, Destruction, Despair, Desire and Delirium from The Sandman. At the rik of losing whatever little geek cred I have, I'll admit to not having read The Sandman, but it's on my list, honestly. I'm trying to make up for my general lack of comics knowledge. Anyway, it appears that Death is in the Jesus slot (natch) with the Judas role filled by Destruction. Did I get that right, fans? (Endless Last Supper by Tom Fowler, via Cultural Compulsive Disorder)

Previously on Popped Culture...

The Last Breakfast

Sculptor Brian Stuckey's The Last Breakfast finally gives Cap'n Crunch the Christ position after so many portrayals as Judas, a role now filled by Rice Krispies Snap. What is is with breakfast cereal mascots? Their either fighting or wasting their lives together — don't they have any other friends? (Via Cultural Compulsive Disorder)

Previously on Popped Culture...

Morgan Spurlock's Last Supper

Morgan Spurlock's latest documentary titled The Greatest Movie Ever Sold explore the growing world of product placement in television shows and movies, kinda. Of course what caught my eye was a Ron English recreation of the Last Supper on the poster, with Spurlock as Jesus (of course) and Buzz Lightyear as his Judas.

Cosplay Star Wars Last Supper

It's been awhile since I've seen a new Last Supper parody, but photographer Robin Cook gathered together some serious Star Wars fans to recreate Leonardo Da Vinci's famous painting, with Emperor Palpatine, um, lording over a table of Dark Side disciples. (Link via Buzzfeed and Andrea!)

Previously on Popped Culture...

Pop Culture Last Supper

Dave MacDowell once again makes my brain hurt with his pop culture-stuffed paintings, this time a Popped Culture favourite, the Last Supper. Is that Robert Redford's The Candidate as Judas and Olivia Newton-John's Sandy as the apostle John, (or Mary Magdelene)?

The rest, from the left: Optimus Prime, Chewbacca, Christian Slater and Patricia Arquette from True Romance, Johnny Depp from 21 Jump Street, Brad Pitt from Fight Club, Andy Wharol, Cornelius from Planet of the Apes and Hong Kong Phooey. Not sure who is on the far right. Anyone?

Previously on Popped Culture...

Last Alien Supper

"Battlestar Galactica has gotten the Last Supper treatment. So have Lost and Star Wars. So why shouldn't Sigourney Weaver and the others stars of Alien also get to populate one of the world's most famous paintings?"

Alien Last Supper, from B3ta user The Great Architect in challenge to create retro sci-fi movie posters. (Link via John Farrier at Neatorama, who knows I love my Last Suppers)

Previously on Popped Culture...
Suddenly Last Supper
Konami Code Last Supper
Avatar Last Supper