Showing posts with label Hellboy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Hellboy. Show all posts

Holy Gender Bender, Superhero!

What would male superheroes look like as women? Surprisingly well-endowed. I'd like to imagine that this is a feminist rethink but its most likely a reason to draw humongous breasts.

She-Man is an unfortunate name choice here for what else it implies. Hmm, actually it seems possible.

Ok, they aren't superheroes per se, but I couldn't resist a feminized version of Asterix and Obelix. I think I saw Obelix in Florida. (Link via BuzzFeed, which has a dozen more.)

Previously on Popped Culture...
He-Man And The Masters of Their Own Domain
By The Power Of My Little Pony
Geek Army Knife

Geek Army Knife

This is the ultimate Swiss Army Knife. Who needs nail scissors, saws and screwdrivers when you have an array of weaponry like this? Really, what couldn't you accomplish? Damn heavy though.

Top: Noisy Cricket from Men in Black; Rorschach’s grappling gun from Watchmen; Frodo’s sword Sting from Lord of the Rings; He-Man’s Power Sword; Thor’s hammer; Obi-Wan Kenobi’s lightsaber, Harry Potter's wand; Lion-O’s Sword of Omens from Thundercats; James Bond’s Walther PPK.

Bottom: Doctor Who’s sonic screwdriver; Hellboy’s revolver; Star Trek phaser. (Geek Army Knife by Ian Summers)

Previously on Popped Culture...
Guns. Lots Of Guns
Pop Culture Target Practice
All Flash, No Dance