Showing posts with label Easter eggs. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Easter eggs. Show all posts

Who Watches The Egg Council?

Easter egg decorating has come along way since I was a kid. Geek culture has taken over. Above, Rorschach, the Comedian's pin and Dr. Manhattan Easter eggs, via The Sci-Fi Guys.

Bite my shiny, metal egg. Bender Easter egg by Rakka.

Master Shake Easter egg by Rakka.

Super Mario Bros. Easter eggs, via Instructables.

More Geek Easter egg goodness:
Neatorama: 14 Wonderfully Geeky Easter Eggs
Blastr: 12 sets of sci-fi-themed eggs
Dorkly: Hidden Easter Eggs
Gamma Squad: 30 Geeky Easter Eggs

Previously on Popped Culture...
Chocolate Bunny In Carbonite
Battlestar Galact-egg-a
How To Tell Your Kids About The Easter Bunny

Battlestar Galact-egg-a

No matter what kind of Easter eggs you have hiden around your house, Natania Barron's Battlestar Galact-egg-a eggs are infinitely cooler.

"I settled on some of the cast of Battlestar Galactica for a few reasons, but mostly because of the show’s themes of death, resurrection, and rebirth. I mean, that’s what Spring is about, right? We can at least agree on that." (Geeks Are Sexy via The Presurfer)

Previously on Popped Culture...
Easter Whore
The Second Coming of Chocolate Jesus

Happy Easter!

Enjoy your day egg and bunny collecting, church attending, over eating, what have you.

(Link from Threadless via Super Punch)

Previously on Popped Culture...
Suddenly Last Supper
Who/What To Worship?
Matthew, Mark, Luke and Optimus Prime