Showing posts with label Arrested Development. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Arrested Development. Show all posts

Fictional Foods

A good selection, though I would personally pass on the Merciless Pepper of Quetzalacatenango and the monkey brains. Can you name all 12? (Fictional Foods by Joshua Budich)

Previously on Pooped Culture…
Fast Food Kills
Selleck Waterfall Sandwich
Koopa, It's What's For Dinner

The Creation of George-Michael Bluth

One last one from Gallery 1988's Arrested Development show, There’s Always Money In The Banana Stand, this time from Casey Weldon. I really should put all these Michelangelo riffs into one post, but I'm lazy.

Previously on Popped Culture...
The Creation Of Mario
The Creation Of Kermit
The Creation Of Homer

Illusion, Michael. A Trick Is Something A Whore Does For Money... Or Candy!


A G.O.B. Bluth magic illusion show? Awesome. Am Arrested Development show is in the works for Gallery 1988? Truly awesome. (Jessica Deahl)

Previously on Popped Culture...

Silly Michael, Trix Are For Whores
It's The Final Countdown!
I'm Afraid I Just Blue Myself 

Richard Scarry's Busy Development

Arrested Development fever is in the air - witness Matt Kaufenberg's take on the Bluth's banana stand, as manned by Richard Scarry's Bananas Gorilla and Lowly Worm.

Previously on Popped Culture...

10 Cents Gets You Nuts

Another piece from Tim Doyle's show Unreal Estate, debuting at Spoke Art tonight. The previews have been amazing - can't wait to see what other shows/locations he tackles.

And you can't go wrong with the Bluths, especially with the confirmation they are retuning next year!

Previously on Popped Culture...

Silly Michael, Trix Are For Whores

Michael Bluth: So this is the magic trick, huh?
Gob Bluth: Illusion, Michael. A trick is something a whore does for money... or candy!

(They're not tricks, Michael by Nathan Pyle, available for scoring at Threadless.)

Previously on Popped Culture...

It's The Final Countdown!

Outside of Buster, George Oscar Bluth has to be the source of the Bluth clan's most ridiculous moments. Illustrator Kyle Hilton's latest Arrested Development paper doll, GOB Bluth.

Operation Hot Mother

Buster: My Army training tells me... that this is going to be a hot mission.
Michael: What? A hot mission?
Buster: Yes. I create a diversion, and you grab George Michael and go. We need a name. Maybe "Operation Hot Mother".
Michael: No, le-let's try to top that.
Narrator: They never did, and later, "Operation Hot Mother" was underway.

Illustrator Kyle Hilton's latest Arrested Development paper doll, Buster Bluth.

I Just Blue Myself!

Illustrator Kyle Hilton has released his paper doll Blue Man version of Tobias Fünke and that of his loving wife, Lindsay Bluth Fünke. I can't wait for Gob's doll.

Previously on Popped Culture...

Tobias Fünke: The World's First Analrapist & Paper Doll

I'm on an Arrested Development kick after I saw Gizmodo's Jason Cho tweet that Jersey Shore would have more seasons than Arrested Development. Sigh.

Illustrator Kyle Hilton is making paper dolls of the Arrested Development cast, which are awesome. So for he has Tobias Fünke and George Bluth, Sr. with more to come. Click through for a printable size.

Previously on Popped Culture...