Showing posts with label haiku. Show all posts
Showing posts with label haiku. Show all posts

Movie In Haiku

Fight Club Haiku
Soap begins it all.
Starts underground following.
Soap to end it all.

A Clockwork Orange Haiku
Violent, troubled.
Goes too far one night. Caught, changed?
I was cured all right.

Pulp Fiction Haiku
Quoting from scripture.
Calling on the wolf for help
It's royale with cheese.

Movies in Haiku is the brainchild of Toronto's Hugh Elliott. See more haiku typography at his Etsy shop and more movie haikus at his Twitter account. (Thanks to Amber Mac for the tip)

Previously on Popped Culture...
Zombie Haiku
A Way With Words
Reservoir Droogs

Zombie Haiku

brains brains brains, brains brains
brains BRAINS brains, brains brains brains. brains

I finally get haiku and all it took was the undead to explain it for me. (Pic and poetry via from Derek Chatwood)

Previously on Popped Culture...
8 Kilomètres
I Think I Can't, I Think I Can't
With Influences That Range From A To Zed

The Curious Case of Benjamin Button Backlash

You'd think 13 Academy Award nominations would garner you a little love, but it appears not everyone thinks The Curious Case of Benjamin Button is Oscar worthy. Specifically the creators of the Official Anti-Benjamin Button Club, whose goal is to ensure "one of the most pretentious, hackneyed and blatant attempt(s) to win an Oscar ever made" does not succeed.

Now I have heard of For Your Consideration campaigns before, but not one to get people to consider not voting for a film. And they really don't like the movie:

There are haikus:
old man you are small
time passes hummingbirds fly
why why three hours

Suggestions to the Academy:
If you like Benjamin Button, you might also enjoy: Turner and Hootch; Licking batteries; Moss

And helpful videos that suggest we may have seen this somewhere before:

I haven't seen the movie myself, but they make a compelling case to spend my three hours elsewhere