Showing posts with label Betty White. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Betty White. Show all posts

Democracy In Action!

Well, Internet, I hope you're proud, because that Saturday Night Live episode was terrible and while Betty White was game it was a one-note horny old lady disaster. But Gary Coleman on Yo Gabba Gabba? Someone get on that. (Link via Chuck & Beans)

Previously on Popped Culture...
Life Before Google
Whatchoo talkin' 'bout, Willis?
Betty White as Slave Leia Wielding a Flaming Chainsaw While Riding a John Ritter Centaur

Betty White as Slave Leia Wielding a Flaming Chainsaw While Riding a John Ritter Centaur

Really, there are no words — this is made of pure awesome!

From the Portland Mercury, who asked its online readership to help design a cover and then, to their credit, actually followed through with their crazy-ass ideas with an illustration by pop artist Andrew Zubko. Stunning. (The Zeray Gazette via Neatorama)

Previously on Popped Culture...
Birth Of A Golden Girl
The Bambie Hunter & Taxi Rider
Star Wars: The Pre-Teen Years