Actor, singer and sometimes Tom Cruise look-a-like Miles Fisher covers The Talking Heads song This Must Be The Place with a note-perfect reenactment of American Psycho.
The video is great, but next time I listen to it I'm going to cue up the original and watch the video without the sound. But that's just me. (Link via BuzzFeed)
Harvey Dent: "Any psychotic ex-boyfriends I should be aware of?" Alfred: "Oh, you have no idea..."
This Dark Knight/American Psycho mashup was the kind of thing that was running through my heard when I first heard Christian Bale was going to be the new Batman. I remember American Psycho and he was, well, a complete psycho. Then I forgot all about it until I came across Geekandnerd's brilliant piece of editing, which lends credence to the Joker's assertion "you're just a freak, like me!" (Link via Urlesque)
Have you ever seen Christian Bale and Kermit in the same picture. No. Why? Because they are the same person/puppet! It really is uncanny. Get dozens more at Kermit Bale.