Showing posts with label American Psycho. Show all posts
Showing posts with label American Psycho. Show all posts

I'm Just An Animal Looking For A Home

Actor, singer and sometimes Tom Cruise look-a-like Miles Fisher covers The Talking Heads song This Must Be The Place with a note-perfect reenactment of American Psycho.

The video is great, but next time I listen to it I'm going to cue up the original and watch the video without the sound. But that's just me. (Link via BuzzFeed)

Previously on Popped Culture...
The Dark American Psycho Knight
It's Not Easy Being An American Psycho
Cereal Killer, Qu'est-ce Que C'est?

The Dark American Psycho Knight

Harvey Dent: "Any psychotic ex-boyfriends I should be aware of?"
Alfred: "Oh, you have no idea..."

This Dark Knight/American Psycho mashup was the kind of thing that was running through my heard when I first heard Christian Bale was going to be the new Batman. I remember American Psycho and he was, well, a complete psycho. Then I forgot all about it until I came across Geekandnerd's brilliant piece of editing, which lends credence to the Joker's assertion "you're just a freak, like me!" (Link via Urlesque)

Previously on Popped Culture...
Ka-pow! Dark Knight Dances The Batusi
Batman Gets Pwned
It's Not Easy Being An American Psycho

It's Not Easy Being An American Psycho

Have you ever seen Christian Bale and Kermit in the same picture. No. Why? Because they are the same person/puppet!
It really is uncanny. Get dozens more at Kermit Bale.