Showing posts with label iTunes. Show all posts
Showing posts with label iTunes. Show all posts


I've been wallowing in some '80s nostalgia. Early '80s. Actually some Australian nostalgia as well and have been searching out old Men at Work and Midnight Oil albums that I used to have on cassettes. (Cassettes? what are those dad?)

It turns out iTunes doesn't have Diesel and Dust or Cargo. Weird. But the Canadian store (stupid geo-blocking) now caries episodes of Little Mosque on the Prairie and Corner Gas. Sigh... go CanCon.

Any-who, it reminded me of a Scrubs episode where the lead singer of Men at Work sang Overkill while following J.D. (Zach Braff) about the hospital. It's a bit odd out of context, but still a great version, especially if you've never seen it.

So without further ado...
