Showing posts with label coffee. Show all posts
Showing posts with label coffee. Show all posts

Caffeine Loves Me, This I Know...

I love coffee, but somehow it tastes even better on a Saturday. It seems caffeine highs are put to much better use doing, well, things like this.

The graphic is from The Oatmeal and part of a much larger comic titled 15 Things Worth Knowing About Coffee. I sometimes hate my obsessive desire to track down the original creators of stuff I find floating about the web, but I think everyone should be credited for their work and, if you're lucky, you stumble across a treasure trove of great stuff. And all because of coffee. Yay! (Link via In Web We Trust)

Previously on Popped Culture...
There's No Such Thing As Too Much Coffee
Why Starbucks Won't Be Contacting Douglas Coupland Anymore...
Elements of Awesome

Why Starbucks Won't Be Contacting Douglas Coupland Anymore...

Rainy day crafts with Douglas Coupland. "I know a lot of morning people and I know a lot of night people, but I have yet to meet a late afternoon person" (Link via @DougCoupland)

Previously on Popped Culture...
CBC in a Coma
Generation XBox
I'm Lovin' It

There's No Such Thing As Too Much Coffee

Of course, some would disagree...

This is a song of the French band Oldelaf and Mr Dm, the video from Stephanie Marguerite and Emilie Tarascou. It could only be made by true coffee lovers. (Link via Nate Cooper)

Which reminded me of a comic I haven't read in some time, but that I will always have an affinity for: Too Much Coffee Man.

I am so going to get a coffee.

Previously on Popped Culture...

Coffee is an elements on the Periodic Table of Awesoments