Showing posts with label Coran Stone. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Coran Stone. Show all posts

Secret Agent Calvin Hobbes

What if Calvin grew up to be a secret agent? You don't have to wonder, Coran Stone has done it for you: "I thought of Calvin as a boy who grew into a man and never gave up on imagining himself as different characters."

Previously on Popped Culture...

If You Go Down In The Woods Today...

The Hundred Acre Wood is not as friendly as it is made out to be. Seems Winnie the Pooh and the gang are about to show Calvin & Hobbes exactly how unfriendly. The Boy and his Striped Friend by kizer180 — check out his gallery, there are few other childhood destroying moments. (Link via Super Punch)

Previously on Popped Culture...
Calvin and Hobbes and Pooh Bear, Oh My!
Fight Club Calvin and Hobbes
Lessons From The Hundred Acre Wood