Showing posts with label Star Trek. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Star Trek. Show all posts

Star Trek Problems

Rewatching Star Trek: The Next Generation got me thinking about some of the ridiculous things that happen on a regular basis. And then I found Chris Piers' Star Trek Problems.

Previously on Popped Culture...
There Are Four Lights!
M-M-M-M-Make It So
Make It Tso's!

Mystery! Intrigue! Super Powers! And Aliens!

Wow, you can get a Rambaldi device on the back of a comic? Awesome! Sure, it could lead to the deaths of millions, but, you know, whatever.  (Dana Lechtenberg for Gallery 1988's Bad Robot show)

Previously on Popped Culture…
Lost Tiki
Who Observes The Observer?
Comic Book Ads - They Really Work! 

They Might Be Klingons

This hit me right in my nerd spot. Who know there was a Klingon/They Might Be Giants crossover? Anyway the song starts at 2:20, but watch the whole thing.

Deep Space Nine Was Once Terok Nor
Now It's Deep Space Nine not Terok Nor
Many Stardates Gone Since Ol Terok Nor
Saw Cardassian Blows On A B'Joran "nose"

Every Gorn That Lives On Terok Nor,
Knows Its Deep Space Nine, Not Terok Nor
So If You Plan To Blow-Up Terok Nor
You'd Better Start At Deep Space Nine.

Entire lyrics and an explanation at io9. (Link via John Farrier)

Previously on Popped Culture...
Extra Droog Savoir Faire
Klenginem: Eminem Meets Klingon
I'm A Floating Head, No I'm No FLoating Head But Really...

Game Of Pop Culture Thrones

House sigils for superheroes and other pop culture characters. I made my picks out of the 21 banners created by Miguel "Lokiable" Lokia on DeviantArt. (via Comics Alliance)

Previously on Popped Culture...
Direwolf, Direwolf, What Do You See?
Hello Mary, Mother Of Pop Culture
Pop Culture Übermensch

Scooby Dooby Trek

And I would have gotten away with it too, if it weren't for that meddling Starfleet.
Fred is a perfect choice for Kirk. (Chris Thornley, aka Raid71, for Art v. Cancer)

Previously on Popped Culture...
Star Trekkin' Across The Universe
The Life Aquatic With Captain Kirk
Country For Old Scooby-Doo

Star Trekkin' Across The Universe

This would be an amazing, if very confusing, crossover episode. (From Ryan Dunlavey's collection of "just draw everything" illustrations.)

Previously on Popped Culture...
Great Cartoon Character Or The Greatest Cartoon Character?
...And Then The '80s Exploded
Orlando Bloom County

Great Scott! Lots of Lloyds

Christopher Lloyd is all kinds of crazy but it is Judge Doom that still freaks me out. That final scene when his bugging out and his screeching is still stuck in my head. Nice work, Sam. (Lots of Lloyds by Sam Carter)

Previously on Popped Culture...

Boss Boss, De Plane, De Plane!

My Neatorama blogging pall John Farrier tweeted about a photo of Ricardo Montalbán in The Wrath of Khan earlier this week, but it was the above photo that caught my eye. TV and movies from the '70s and '80s? Yes!

Thanks for visiting Popped Culture, where no culturally irrelevant reference goes unnoticed.

Previously on Popped Culture...

The Life Aquatic With Captain Kirk

"Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to go on an overnight drunk, and in 10 days I'm going to boldly go to find the tribbles that ate my friend and destroy them. Anyone who wants to join me is more than welcome."

Captain Picard: Make It Tso's!

This just made me laugh, simple as that. Also it meant I got link to my favourite Picard video in the Previously section. (Comical Concept via Comics Alliance)

Previously on Popped Culture...
M-M-M-M-Make It So
Star Poker: Full Meme
The Many Faces Of Patrick Stewart

Little People Star Trek From Fisher-Price

Oh, let's play The Best of Both Worlds! Aw, there's no Locutus of Borg figure. Still, pretty damn awesome. (Enter-Price by Fabian Gonzalez)

Previously on Popped Culture...