Showing posts with label taxidermy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label taxidermy. Show all posts

Dr. Seuss Taxidermy

In the early 1930s, Ted Geisel created what he called A Collection of Unorthodox Taxidermy, a menagerie of Seussian animals constructed from real animal beaks and horns. Above The Sludge Tarpon. (The Art of Dr. Suess via The Awesomer)

Blue Green Abelard

Kangaroo Bird

Previously on Popped Culture...
Knitsections & Feltidermy
Rudolph The Stuffed-Head Reindeer
Big Cartoon Hunter

Rudolph The Stuffed-Head Reindeer

One day the the mines went dry and Yukon Cornelius, now starving, came across his old friend Rudolph and things being the way they were... well a man's gotta eat. But in tribute he had him stuffed and a light placed in his nose to keep the light burning. The eighth day of the 12 Days of Popped Culture is brought to you by artist Mike Mitchell and my destruction of all my childhood memories.

Previously on Popped Culture...
Gingerbread Man Dissected

Knitsections & Feltidermy
It's Not Easy Dissecting Green
Space Invader Autopsy

Knitsections & Feltidermy

I was never much into biology or hunting and, seeing as my father was both a biology teacher and an avid hunter, I'm sure he was a little disappointed. But thanks to knitter CraftyHedgehog, I can now relive my Gr. 11 dissection class with a slightly less queasiness.

"Wow your scientist friends and colleagues with the coolness of this piece of knitted art. The rat is hand knit from an acrylic mohair blend, and his little innards are needle-felted by hand out of 100% wool. He comes pinned into his actual dissection tray, but he is not glued down, so you can take him out and cuddle him if you wish." (Link via Neatorama)

If your tastes run more to the big game side of nature, you can mount a trophy buck or rhino (or dozens of other animals) on your wall without ever harming a critter, thanks to girlsavage's feltidermy.

Soft and cuddly stuffed animals — they aren't just little girls anymore. (Link also via Neatorama)

Previously on Popped Culture...

Extreme Crocheting
Pillow Talk
Little Boxes