Showing posts with label Hitler. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Hitler. Show all posts

Darth Hitler VS. Rebel Scum George Washington

Pop culture and history collide in Peter Adamyan's Star Wars portraits of Hitler and Washington for WWA Gallery’s Creepy Cute show.

Shockingly, I don't think I've ever see Hitler literally as Darth Vader.

Previously on Popped Culture...
Best Civil War Reenactment Ever
Fantastic Forefathers
Dapper Star Wars

The Many Faces Of A Space Invader

Space Invaders are are not the monolithic, bent-on-destroying-the-earth alien menace they are made out to be. See illustrator Logan Walter's The Many Faces of a Space Invader for proof.

Previously on Popped Culture...
Space Invaders Make Good Eatin'
Space Invader Autopsy
Star Wars Invaders

The Trustworthiness Of Beards

This is a very handy chart — you should print it out and keep it somewhere for quick reference. Full beard: trustworthy. Neck Beard: Threatening. (Matt McInerney via BuzzFeed)

Previously on Popped Culture...
The Many Mustaches of Guy Fawkes
The Marvelous Cartoon Wigs Museum
J-Stache: Ride the Mustache