Showing posts with label Brandi Carlile. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Brandi Carlile. Show all posts

Viral Marketing

Brandi CarlileI've been marked as a tastemaker, a blog that matters. This is likely untrue and just the hope of an enthusiastic public relations agent, but interesting nonetheless.

What it has done is shown me a window into a modern viral marketing campaign and roped me into it at the same time. I got an email on Wednesday from a representative of singer/songwriter Brandi Carlile, telling me that she would be playing at Harbourfront Centre in Toronto on March 21.

Looking at my page stats, I was found by a Technorati search for Toronto blogs. Soon after the email arrived, with MP3s and a link to an electronic press kit on You Tube (ah, my current favourite site!) I don't know if I'm the spot they were hoping for, but I'm happy to share:

Brandi Carlile
Fall Apart Again - MP3
What More Can I Say - MP3
Brandi Carlile EPK - You Tube

Not bad, a sort of folky, alt-country Liz Phair. Umm, old style Liz Phair. Or not. There is a reason I stopped reviewing music. Carlile's bio says: "Think of a female Roy Orbison or Radiohead's Thom Yorke fronting a roots-rock band and you're not far off."

Anyway, it's been interesting to see how label is using, even embracing the web to get the word out on a new artist. If I can send at least one person your way I'm happy to do it.