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2 sqq. cf. Barlaami eth. sec. Stoicos 2, 11 qui hinc haud pauca adsumpsit.
3 natura ς Vrec naturae X (-re K)
4 Stoic. fr. 3, 438
5 speciei est H speci est KR (add.c) speciest GV
6 BOγλAHClN KR boγλHCin G boγαHCin V
7 appellemus We. appellamus X (apell G) cf. v. 26, fin. 3, 20
8 eam iam V
9 adversante Po. (cf. p.368, 6; 326, 3; St. fr. 3, 462 ἀπειθῶς τῷ λόγῳ ὠθούμενον ἐπὶ πλεῖον adversa X (d del. H1) a ratione aversa Or.
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