Showing posts with label Tombstone. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Tombstone. Show all posts

Wednesday, April 5, 2017

Black Scorpion Miniatures - Tombstone Kickstarter Launch

The Tombstone Kickstarter has launched:

Old west gaming rulebook available in English, French, Spanish, German and Italian. Over 110 32mm resin miniatures!
Link: Campaign on Kickstarter

Tuesday, April 4, 2017

Wednesday, March 29, 2017

Black Scorpion Miniatures - Tombstone Lawmen Preview

Black Scorpion Miniatures presents the Lawmen faction for their upcoming Tombstone Kickstarter:

Link: Pictures on facebook
Link: Black Scorpion Miniatures

Tuesday, March 28, 2017

Sunday, March 26, 2017

Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Black Scorpion Miniatures - Tombstone Announcement

Black Scorpion Miniatures published new details about Tombstone:

So the lucky Salute visitors saw about 20 of the upcoming Tombstone miniatures with a flyer with some info. Over time we're going to release more previews but I thought I'd share the basics so far: We're releasing a skirmish game 'Tombstone' kind of the cowboy version of Cutlass, updated improved and changed to fit. There will be over 100 new miniatures in seven factions! (lawmen, outlaws, mexicans, Indians, 7th cavalry, Undead/zombie and female gunslingers). Including some new mounted miniatures and new horses.
The plan is to launch a Kickstarter late 2016 (that means we don't have a date yet but are working as best we can). There will be a printed version and pds versions also available in French and Spanish.
The miniatures and book will be complete upon launch. then it will just be a case of production. I think one point I really want to stress is this: Our miniatures are hand sculpted and will be cast using the same high quality method we always use. The pictures you see of of the miniatures online will be the same as the miniatures you receive, no computer renders, concepts or pictures of masters using a different process.
 Please appreciate this is ongoing and subject to change, we don't have all the details yet. As a rough guide to what's done so far: The rules are done, in play test (we don't require playtesters..) small change stage. Most interior, cover art and content done for the book, awaiting final content and layout than translation and new layouts. Miniatures around 50% done, remaining to be sculpted and painted, old west town scenic table almost done.
We will add a page to the main site and add previews over the coming months. There will of course be stretch goals and various deals to be determined.
Some but not all of the current range will be discontinued upon general release of the new stuff, there will be pre warning before that happens.
Link: Black Scorpion Miniatures