Showing posts with label Laughing Monk. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Laughing Monk. Show all posts

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Eureka Miniatures - New Laughing Monk Releases

Laughing Monk announced new releases soon to be available through Eureka Miniatures:

Link: Eureka Miniatures

Saturday, May 4, 2013

Eureka Miniatures - Daughters of Set Release

Eureka Miniatures finally released the Laughing Monk Daughters of Set miniatures:

Link: Eureka Miniatures

Monday, April 8, 2013

Laughing Monk Miniatures - Daughters of Set Release

The newest miniatures from Laughing Monk Miniatures, the Daughters of Set , are now available through Eureka Miniatures:

You can get either the "wrapped" versions or the "unwrapped"
versions of the Daughters.
Just in case you Don't know the unwrapped are NSFW!
You can also get them as complete sets a little cheaper if you so desire.
Please note that there may be a slight delayed of around 1 week turn-around
filling orders for these as delivery of stock to Eureka is done once a week.
Link: Eureka Miniatures 

Sunday, January 13, 2013

Laughing Monk - Daughters of Set

Laughing Monkey announced a new range called Daughters of Set:

There will be two versions of all the miniatures - one
will have wrappings covering the chests and the other will have no wrappings
on the chest so if people want they can have a more modest unit or not.
They were sculpted by the very talented Patrick Keith and the variations were
done by myself (with Patrick's blessing).
These will be available from Eureka minis first, and then other online shops such
as the Warstore and Fighting 15's.
Link: Laughing Monk 

Saturday, November 26, 2011

Laughing Monk Miniatures - SciFi Female Trooper Conversion Examples

Laughing Monk Miniatures sent us a picture with samples of their SciFi female trooper conversion kit

This kit is available from Shadowforge.

Link: Shadowforge

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Laughing Monk - New Female SciFi Russians Conversion Kit

A new conversion set for female SciFi trooper is available from Laughing Monk via Shadowforge:

It contains 16 female heads and 10 female torsos which can be used with various plastic kits to make up sci fi female russians!

Link: Shadowforge 

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Laughing Monk - Female SciFi Russians Preview

Laughing Monk sent us a preview of their new female SciFi Russians conversion set:

It will be available from Shadowforge in 2-3 weeks.

Links: Laughing Monk / Shadowforge

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Laughing Monk - SciFi Female Conversion Pack Announced

Laughing Monk (distributed by Shadowforge) has announced a SciFi Female Conversion Kit to be released soon

Link: Shadowforge