Showing posts with label TTF. Show all posts
Showing posts with label TTF. Show all posts

Thursday, October 3, 2024

And we are back!

Hello again,

Vacation is over, it will take a while to get through the backlog, but updates should be back to daily now.

Sunday, September 15, 2024

Public Service Announcement - Vacation Time


Hello everybody, I am taking a couple of weeks off to go on vacation. That means there will be less regular updates for a while.

Sunday, August 11, 2024

Public Service Announcement - Some Disruptions

Hello everybody,

updates will be a bit less regular this week - should be back to normal next weekend.

Wednesday, June 26, 2024

PSA - Service Interruption

Hello folks, 

I am travelling, not sure if and how many updates I'll post until Sunday.

Tuesday, April 23, 2024

Public Service Announcement - Short Interruption

 Hello dear readers,

I will be travelling for the rest of the week, so updates will be fewer and less regular.

Back to normal on Monday.

Wednesday, February 28, 2024

Public Service Announcement - PPC

 Hello dear audience,

Some of my friends have a small podcast about Battletech, and in their last episode they had me as their guest.

If you want to hear me and my horrible German accent talking about my second hobby-related obsession beside this blog, do me a favor and download episode 5 of the Periphery Podcast Corporation and make this their most popular episode so far by far - but listen at you own risk :)

Link: Periphery Podcast Corporation

Friday, December 29, 2023


Hello everybody,

this is one of those "OMG, another milestone!" posts.

Yes, 80.000 posts on the Tabletop Fix. Insanity!

A journey of 13 years, with a lot of great (and a few not so great) things to do and people to meet. 

Since 2023 is almost over, it's also worth having a look at the numbers. About 6670 posts this year, which is pretty much exactly 500 less than last year, and that despite the fact there were no longer gaps because of me travelling. The reason is that I made some career progress in my actual job, you know, the one that pays my bills and such. It got a lot more demanding, and there are more and more days when I realize after dinner that I haven't updated the blog yet. And don't get me started on how many times I think "I should finally get those dead links of my bookmarks list" :).

Overall, I struggle more to stay on top. There is a relentless onslaught of Kickstarter campaigns, and they start to feel a bit same-y to me, I mean, it's 90% 3D-print and of that 70% terrain. But if I want to stay with my intention of "post everything and let the reader sort out what is relevant for them", I can't prioritize some over the others. The whole idea of the Tabletop Fix is to not pretend that I can make a decision of what is worthy and what not. 

Anyway, I hope everybody is having a great holiday season, and I will keep pushing on for a while. So no worries. And thank you for sticking around, I appreciate it.

Looking forward to 2024, I hope that I can get back to cultivate some good contacts. It's always nice to get an email from somebody who knows my name and says some kind words on top of "Here is something to post". Maybe I drifted to far from the "community" part of it all.

And painting. I need to do some painting. 

Saturday, December 23, 2023

Friday, October 20, 2023

Public Service Announcement - Off to have some fun


I am away to play Alpha Strike at a local convention, So no updates this weekend.

Friday, July 28, 2023

Short Service Disruption


Suprise power outage here, so no updates today.

While I am at it, there will likely a slightly longer break in second half of August to give me a chance to do some house-keeping behind the scenes.

Tuesday, March 28, 2023

75,000 is a big number!

Hello everybody, so this is the 75,000th post!

How is it going over here at the Fix? Kinda like always. Well, I have to say that engagement is going down slowly but surely. Maybe this format is just moving closer to the end of its usefulness, but no worries, right now it still makes sense for me to put in the effort. Although I have to say that I grew a bit less interested in the hobby lately, and it feels like I just have seen it all (especially when it comes to Kickstarter campaigns for 3D-printable stuff). Can't really remember the last time something completely "wow'ed" me.

It likely doesn't help that I almost exclusively play and paint Battletech these days, and that my day job (which has nothing to do with the hobby) gets more demanding. I also caught the dreaded C-virus last year and still feel like I am not exactly back where I was physically and mentally. 

But no worries, I won't shut this down anytime soon, and I am very thankful for all of you who visit the blog, often every single day. 100K posts is definitely a goal I want to reach, and unless engagement drops under 1000 visits per day, I think it is worth to keep going.

Wednesday, December 21, 2022

PSA - Happy Holidays

Hello everybody,

I will take a break for the rest of the year - see you all in 2023!

Monday, October 3, 2022

Public Service Announcement - Short Disruption


I am travelling again and there won't be any updates until Wednesday or Thursday.

Monday, September 5, 2022

Public Service Announcement - Limited Service

Aloha dear readers,

I am currently travelling internationally and won't be posting any updates until Thursday. 

For the rest of September, there will be a couple of gaps, but not too bad I guess.

Friday, April 1, 2022

Public Service Announcement - Fun is over, back to work


Thank you for tolerating my shenanigans, now I'll get you some news :)

Thursday, March 31, 2022

Public Service Announcement - Subscriptions !


you all know that times are not really awesome, and I thought "if half of my readers would give me a dollar a week, I don't have to work anymore. And I could afford to play 40K again!".

So there is now a subscription option for those of you who want their news fresh. I will still post some free news, and the subscriber exclusive stuff becomes public after a week. But If you want to know what the cool kids at the water cooler are talking about, well, that will cost you.

Thanks for your support!

Friday, December 24, 2021

Happy Holidays!

Hello everybody,

I wish you all a happy holiday season!

There's not a lot going on, so don't expect many updates. I'll post from time to time and will be back to the usual daily updates in the new year.

Instead, I'll paint some classic Catachan Jungle Fighters for my 2nd edition 40K army, and maybe work a little bit on my alternative timeline for Battletech (in which the Clan Invasion happens at the end of the Third Succession War).

Anyway, see you later!

Saturday, December 4, 2021

Public Service Announcement - Minor Changes

Ahoi-hoi everybody,

I have a lot going on at the moment beside running this blog, and it is starts to take a toll on my energy levels. It feels like the quality of the Tabletop Fix is slowly dipping, and the large amount of Kickstarter campaigns at the moment is not helping. Usually, I try to alternate between a Kickstarter and a different item, but that is not working so good lately.

So here is what will happen:

Today, I will post the all Kickstarter campaigns still on my to do list.

For the next couple of weeks, I will post all new Kickstarter campaigns en bloc on Monday (Sunday if you are in the US). No worries, I will also post some other items.

Kickstarter within their last 48 hours will be posted as normal, and I will announce new Kickstarters on other days if I get an email about them.

I may also skip a day a week, but that is just for the rest of December.

Saturday, July 3, 2021

Public Service Announcement - Disruptions Ahead

 Hello everybody,

I am travelling for work over the next couple of days and updates will be reduced in number and frequency.

Friday, March 5, 2021

Public Service Announcement - Short Break

 Hello everybody,

I have to take care of some family business, so no news until Sunday.