Moms are the Queens of Multi-tasking

Moms are the Queens of Multi-tasking

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Growing up!

Just a few recent pictures of the girls that make me smile. It seems like I blinked and then they were this big! I know I am partial, but these girls are super cute and amazing! I am blessed to know these little girls.  

Ready for church! 

All of them can't bath together anymore- they don't fit!
Alyssa and Bella on their big girl bikes!

Back to school...for awhile now.

I can not believe that I have not documented the first week of school! This school year has been in full swing for over a month and I am just not getting to write or post pictures about it. CRAZY!

Alyssa is in 1st grade and Bella started her first year of preschool. So it is a big year around our house. I would be down to only one, Layla, a couple times a week. But, I have taken on a few other children twice a week for a friend. I am still finding time to do part-time insurance billing from home. Which has been such a blessing. I work whenever I can. When the girls are napping, or after bedtime routine, or when their daddy is home with them on the weekends.

Alyssa and Miss Allison on her first day of school. She loves 1st grade and is doing such exciting things. Her reading and writing has really taken off! I think her favorite thing about 1st grade is that she gets to  Art, P.E., or Music class once a day.  Big surprise there!

 Sweet Bella on her first day in her preschool class. There are only 5 kids in the classroom so far, but she just loves it. She didn't even care if I walked away or not. She walked in there, gave Mrs Criner a bug hug, hung up her back pack, and sat down to look at books. "Oh ya...see you later mom!"

 These are the additions to our household twice a week. The Briggs kids! They are dropped off in the mornings before school and ride the bus with Alyssa. Then come home with her in the afternoons for a few hours until their mom gets off work. I wouldn't be able to take this on for just any family. But this family are such wonderful people. They are hard workers and don't have family who live close by to help them out. Their kids and my kids get along so great, so overall it has been a fun thing. Loud and crazy...but fun!

 This sweet little boy, who I would keep as my own if I could, is the 3rd Briggs kid. He stays home with me, Bella, and Layla while the others go to school. Bella and him have become like peas and carrots. They are fun to watch and he is a good boy!

My first time taking lunch to Alyssa at school. It is always so interesting and fun to watch your child in  her own environment.

The 3 amigos walking to the bus together.