Moms are the Queens of Multi-tasking

Moms are the Queens of Multi-tasking

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas!

I can't believe that the countdown to Christmas is just 1o days away. There is just so much to do still, and I'm starting to feel the Christmas rush as I know many of you are too.
I got really lucky this year. While Layla and I flew home to Wyoming for Thanksgiving week, my sweet husband and 2 older girls were home decorating our house for me. They were busy little elves! Even though the OCD in me wanted to decorate the tree myself, every night I sit and look at my glowing tree I smile thinking how they did it for me.

My mom makes homemade stockings for every new family member. Here is the newest stocking that was sent to us just a few days ago! Thanks momma, it is SO cute!

The lights my family put up on our house.

Hot Chocolate from QT is something I really love during the winter weather. If you haven't tried their hot chocolate, you really need to. IT IS THE BEST!

Bella all dressed up in her cold weather clothes. You can't see her rain boots in this picture, but you can bet she is wearing them. She wants to wear them with EVERYTHING right now.

Alyssa waiting for the school bus. She has so much happy energy in the mornings. I don't know where she gets that!?

Layla in her warm suit. Does this not scream The Christmas Story! Poor baby can't even move in this thing. But it keeps her nice and toasty when going outside.

Sisterly Love! I love it.

Merry Christmas to all of our family and friends! We love you!