Moms are the Queens of Multi-tasking

Moms are the Queens of Multi-tasking

Monday, December 8, 2008

The most wonderful time of the year!

We have been so busy the past few weeks, as I'm sure all of you have been as well. We are officially into what I know to be the most wonderful time of the year. Thanksgiving week through New Year's week are my most favorite in the year. I love the lights and decorations, the smell of baked goodies, the weather changes, family and friends gathering together for parties, and the traditions that you form during the holidays with people you love.
Me and my little family are especially excited for this Christmas because we are going to be spending over two weeks in Wyoming with my side of the family. We are driving there, so we are a little nervous about the weather cooperating with us. I told my husband that as long as we get there that is all that would matter to me. I wouldn't mind if we got snowed in a little longer than expected once we were there.
I am looking forward to seeing all of my family and being a part of our Christmas traditions. Some of my favorite memories growing up are of Christmas time. I am excited to have my own children see what it is like to have a Peterson family christmas. It is important to me for them to have memories with their grandparents in Wyoming and to see how their mother grew up.

We had Thanksgiving dinner at the Wallace home, and we had a very nice time. This picture was taken while we were cleaning up and I thought it was pretty funny. Isabella had her first turkey that weekend, and she just loved it! It looks like she is going for the Diet Pepsi over the turkey? Just for the record, we don't allow our daughters to drink pop.

Since we are leaving in the middle of December and won't be back until after New Years is over, we decided against putting lights up on our house and putting our christmas tree up. This is VERY hard for me, but I know that I will be happy to not have the headache of putting it all away once we get home. The girls and I did manage to decorate the fireplace and put a few fun things out. Robert came home with a couple of poinsetas for the house the other day to make me feel a little more festive. Awww...what a thoughtful husband. This picture of Alyssa, she is showing off her homemade stocking. She loves it so much. Grandma Peterson makes every new family member a stocking for Christmas. It is very special to us.

Some of you know that my yard has four HUGE trees in it. Three in the front and one in the back. Most of the time, I love them and they are beautiful. But not at this time of year. Once all the leaves fall, we have truck loads of dead leaves covering our whole yard. Saturday we (I helped a little, but I will admit that my husband did most of the work) spent a lot of our day raking and bagging leaves up and putting them to the curb for trash day on Monday. We got the front yard done and I think we counted 12 bags filled. These bags were the 55 gallon bags mind you.
Alyssa came out to help her daddy awhile and she was quite into it. I thought this picture was too cute of them working together.

Friday evening I had these six wonderful ladies over to my house for a Christmas get together. We all used to work at the same place for years, and we became like sisters. Some times we argued and disagreed as sisters tend to do, but most of the time we would laugh and love, and we were always there to help one another out. It was a great group of ladies to be around every day. Since I left my job over a year ago, none of us work together anymore. So every 5-6 months we get together at someone's home. It has been so nice to keep in touch with them and we always laugh a lot when we see each other. We had snack foods and drinks, visited with each other, and had a dirty santa gift exchange. It was a lot of fun! Thanks for coming and bringing such yummy food!

Sunday, December 7, 2008

Wallace Funniest Home Videos

I was in my bedroom the other day and heard Alyssa singing in the bathroom. I figured she must be doing something funny, I mean, this is Alyssa right? So I grabbed the camera and headed towards her to see what was going on. Please enjoy Alyssa in concert. In case you can't understand her she is singing Bleeding Love by Leona Lewis. She loves that song.