Moms are the Queens of Multi-tasking

Moms are the Queens of Multi-tasking

Saturday, May 1, 2010

27 Week Ultrasound...

I tried to upload my ultrasound pictures of baby girl #3, but my computer would not cooperate and so I gave up. Sorry family!
At my previous 20 week ultrasound it showed that my placenta was sitting very low over my cervix, so my doctor ordered to have another one this last Wednesday. They checked the face of the baby, measured the baby, and they checked to see if the position of my placenta had raised up to the normal area. Everything looked great! I was so relieved to see her face looked fine and tha she is gaining baby fat. My placenta is not covering my cervix anymore, which is so exciting for me to hear! If it had not worked itself out as my pregnancy progressed, I would have had to have a C-Section. I hate surgery of any kind, so I am so happy to hear that baby and placenta are doing normal.
Oh ya, and I had the tech check the sex of baby again, and yes, it is still a girl! We have a short list of girl names we are happy with, but we are not sharing them at the moment. We will wait and see what she looks like before we decide for sure.
The girls and I are so excited to see my family soon. My mother and both of my sisters are coming the week the baby is born. My mom will stay longer to help me adjust to three children after daddy goes back to work. Thank heavens for moms! I don't know what I'd do without her.
My litle sister wants to be in the hospital room and watch my delivery. She hasn't had children of her own yet, so I feel a little pressure to make it look easy and fun so it doesn't freak her out too much! :) I am just so happy to have my family around me at such a huge part of our life.