Moms are the Queens of Multi-tasking

Moms are the Queens of Multi-tasking

Friday, February 1, 2008

Day with Daddy...

Robert started a new job January 1st, and this job has been so great for out family. Not only is his income significantly higher, but he has a really great work schedule. He works 7:00am-4:30pm so he is home a lot earlier than before. He also gets every other Friday off. So today was one of his Fridays off!
It was so nice to have him around today. Even though he is here every Saturday and Sunday, when he is here all day long on a Friday, it feels different. Today for instance, he got up with the girls at 7:30am, and I got to sleep in a little...of course when the Bella was ready for breakfast, I had to quickly get up. It was such a treat to just know he was there on a day I usually have to jump right out of bed and start my day, but then I didn't. IT FELT SO GOOD to lay my head back down on my pillow and close my eyes when he said, "Don't worry, I'll get her, go back to bed."
Also, the help around the house when he is here is such a relief. I actually get to take breaks from one mess to the next.
We got to take the girls out to lunch and then we went for a drive to see some model homes we are looking at building this Summer after our house sells. It was such a nice afternoon. The best part is, after we got the girls down for bed and we were relaxing on the couch, we just realized that tomorrow is Saturday! How lucky it that!?
I'm not too proud to say it-Being a full-time mommy is hard work! Any other mother who tries to tell me otherwise, I know their just full of bull! So when I get a day like today with my husband and my girl's daddy at home...AWWW!

Thursday, January 31, 2008

Let it Snow!

We have snow falling here in Oklahoma for the first time this winter. Aside from the horrible ice storm in December that knocked out everyone's electricity, it has been dry and cold. Late in the morning I looked out my kitchen window to see white fluffy flakes falling all around me. I was pretty excited, so I ran and got Alyssa and showed her from our back sliding glass door. It was funny because she said, "Oh my's raining!" I laughed and told her the white flakes were called snow. I thought about it and realized that in the three years of her life, that was probably only the third time she'd ever seen snow. Funny because growing up in Wyoming, it seemed to be a daily occurrence for like 6 months of the year.
Today has been a cold and lazy day. With the weather we haven't gone out once today. Just hanging around the house playing with Alyssa. Another big thing that has happened is that Bella has started teething and she will be three months this Saturday. I don't remember Alyssa teething this early, but Alyssa's first 6 months were a complete blur looking back. Poor Bella is still fighting off this darn cold and now her gums are hurting. Life is rough for her right now.

Monday, January 28, 2008

A Sad Loss...

I am a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, also known as "Mormons." Yesterday, we as members of this church, suffered a sad loss. The President of our Church, Gordon B. Hinkley died last night around 7:00pm in his SLC, Utah home with his family members around him. He was 97 years young. He was one of the youngest 97 year old persons I've ever seen. He traveled around the world, spoke to millions of people worldwide, and worried and cared for every person in our church. He has been one of my most favorite Presidents of our church. I will miss him terribly watching over us.
On the other hand, I am so happy for him. He lost his wife 2 years ago and you could tell he has missed her so much. I believe, no I know, that he and his wife reunited in heaven last night. They are together again and will be together for eternity. We as Mormons believe in life after death and being together with our families forever, not just for this mortal life. When I think of Pres. Hinckley and his wife and how happy they must be right now after being apart for 2 years, I feel at peace to know that me and my family have been sealed in one of God's holy temples for time and all eternity. I know that if I do what I know to be right in this life, I will be with my family in the next, no matter when I leave this life. More importantly, God forbid, if one of my children or my husband were to die before me, I know that I will see them again. God has promised me that I will.
Life can be so scary an so uncertain, but when I think of things like this I find so much comfort and peace in it.

Sunday, January 27, 2008

Sick Babies...

Today is Sunday and instead of going out for church, we are staying in and nursing two little sick girls.
Alyssa had been fighting off a runny nose and cough for the past couple weeks, and last night it got the best of her. She also gave it to baby Bella. She can hardly breathe through her nose and has gunk draining down her throat so she gags and chokes on it. It is the saddest thing in the world for a mother when her kids are sick. Escpecially when they are so small and they can't tell you want is wrong and you can't really give them much of any medication to make them feel better.
It was a long night of getting up every other hour with Bella choking and being all stuffy, she was waking herself up. Then she would want to nurse, but couldn't really do that very well because she couldn't breathe through her nose while drinking. It was so sad.
I am really tired today and a little disappointed that I couldn't go to church. I really needed some spiritual feasting to remind me of my purpose here on this earth. It is easy to lose sight of that in the day to day grind.
I can hear my little Bella crying, better go see what is the matter.