Moms are the Queens of Multi-tasking

Moms are the Queens of Multi-tasking

Thursday, November 19, 2009


Yes, I know that I am not a little silly teenager, but I can't help but love this series!
When this all came out, I didn't want to read the books, I actually hadn't ever heard of the Twighlight series until people started asking me if my daughter Isabella was named after Bella in the books. What!?
So then I was a little interested. I did read the first book before watching the first movie. I liked them, but still wasn't hooked. Then over this past summer, while the girls and I were in Wyoming, I had time alone in the evenings. So I decided to pick up a book and read. I ended up reading the rest of the series in my spare time. I was offically hooked! I have been dying to see the New Moon movie for months. I can't wait to see what they have done with it. New director, higher budget, new actors, Dakota Fanning for instance, I enjoy her. There is a lot going on in this book, so it should be fun!
If you are not a fan yet, check this trailer out. Then pick the books up and read them.

Oh yah, and a fellow stay at home LDS mommy of three children wrote this series. I LOVE THAT!

'The Twilight Saga: New Moon' trailer

Desperate Housewives?

A good friend of mine emailed me this cartoon this morning. At first I got a really good hard laugh from it. Then I got to thinking on it some more. This can be true of us women at times, and that made me feel kind of sad for the good men out there that are trying so hard to provide for their families and please their wives.
Maybe I feel this way because it is the Thanksgiving season and I am feeling extra thankful that I have one of the good ones. Thanks babe for always doing your best for us!

Have you said thank you to your husband today for being the man that he is?

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Calling in the troops from Wyoming...

So we all know that my mom and my sister Tamara came to Oklahoma for a week. While they were here we did a lot of shopping, because let's face it, Wyoming has nowhere to shop. Sorry my fellow Wyoming loving people. We made it our mission to eat at all the fun and yummy places to eat. We hung out and watched movies, and played with the girls. We celebrated Bella's 2nd birthday, and we did a lot of decorative things around our house. It was so nice to have them here to help me put some finishing touches on our house. It made it so much fun!
As always, I was so sad to see them leave. My sister called me after they landed back home and said that my mom and her had a bet whether or not I cried when I saw them leave into the airport. They know me well! I have to say, I am getting better because I held it together during the hugging and goodbyes. Then as we were driving away Alyssa started to cry and said, "I'm gonna miss grammy and aunt Tamara." Of course after that I cried all the way home. What a baby!
It has already been two weeks since they were here, and now that I'm back into the regular day to day grind, my time with my family is a distant memory. I'm so glad that I have all these fun things around my house we did together because they remind me of them. Thank you for coming, we can't wait to see you in February!

This is a dress we bought Alyssa for the holidays to match the one Bella got for her birthday. Of course Alyssa was happy to model it for us!

This is the most fun room in the house. It is so girly and cute. Alyssa wanted pink poka dots on the walls and grammy delivered them!

It was a group effort to hunt down the perfect drapes for the living room and get them to hang just right. After they were all up, I was very happy with the way they turned out. BONUS: they were a steal of a deal!

For a house warming gift, my mom brought me some vinyl lettering for my walls. One for my black and white collage I was working on, and one for my pictures of the Big Horn Mountains. I took them this summer while I was there and I blew them up to put in my office. Now while I work, I get to look at them. I love it!

I won these letters one night at my Bunco group. My mom, sister, and I stayed up until like 1:00am one night painting and putting decopache on them. I think we did pretty good for our first time.

My mom's birthday was the week after she left us, so the morning they were leaving, we made a pancake and fresh fruit breakfast for us all. We stuck a birthday candle in her pancake and sang to her.

Mom and Tam at Pei Wei. This is one of my favorite places to eat here in Tulsa and they loved it a lot! We sat at the bar and watched the cooks fling around food while we ate. It was fun!
My momma working her crafty magic!