Moms are the Queens of Multi-tasking

Moms are the Queens of Multi-tasking

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

I'm much better this week...

What a big girl sitting up all by herself
Showing off her new hair cut

Thank you to all my family and friends that were concerned about me and my children's well being since my recent "break down." I am pleased to say that a weekend that was filled with a lot of help from my husband and a few hours of me time cured me with what ever was bothering me.
Saturday we worked all morning on the yard and house stuff. I finally got the girls down for their naps around 2:00pm. (at the same time is no small thing) So while Rob sat and watched ESPN I took myself out to get a pedicure and to go browsing at Old Time Pottery.
I will have to say it was quite delightful and 2 1/2 hours later I arrived home with 10 beautiful toes, a really cute rug for my kitchen on clearance for $3.99, and a better outlook on my role as a mother and homemaker.
Rob and I took the girls that night to his company picnic at Driller's stadium and a Driller's baseball game. It was hot, but once the sun went down it was pretty nice. We only lasted til the 5th inning or so, but we all had fun being together. I think Alyssa's favorite part of the game was when the cotton candy man came by and Rob let her shake the dollar bills in the air and yell, "Cotton candy man...over here!!!" She had way too much fun with that one. She also tried real hard to get on the jumbo screen by dancing wildly in the isle to the loud music. No success, but she entertained a lot of the public around us as you can imagine.
We are getting ready to go on vacation this weekend to Branson. We are excited because it is just going to be us and the girls all weekend long with nothing to do but PLAY!!! I will report back to you after our trip.