Moms are the Queens of Multi-tasking

Moms are the Queens of Multi-tasking

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

On the Home Stretch...

I am 36 1/2 weeks pregnant and I can feel the end in sight! It has been a great experience being pregnant again, but I am in the middle of the "real uncomfortable" stage now, so I an excited to done soon.
For my family member who may read my blogs (Laurel) I have attached a picture from just a few nights ago of Alyssa kissing my belly. She is so excited to see her little sister. She always asks me, "When is baby Bella going to come out and play with me?"
Robert has a second job interview at the place he interviewed about a month ago. They have called him back for another interview, which we think may be a good sign? It would be a really good opportunity for growth and for more income. Robert is very excited about it, but I try to stay a little neutral, just in case it doesn't happen, I don't want to be too dissapointed.
As of this week, I am officially a stay at home mother. My last day at Sceptre was Friday. I am a little nervous to be a mother of two, but look forward to being able to be home with my kids while they are still small.
I will be doing part time billing from home for a Home Therapy business that I got to know while working in the building I was in. I had been praying for something like this to come my way so I could use my abilities to help out our family until something better comes to Robert. Then poof! This just kind of fell into my lap, and so far it is a really good thing. I just hope I can keep it up with a newborn and a toddler.
I'm sure I will have some great stories to write down after this baby comes...stay tuned!