Moms are the Queens of Multi-tasking

Moms are the Queens of Multi-tasking

Sunday, December 26, 2010

Merry Christmas!

We had a relaxing Christmas weekend at home this year. It was just our family. We opened presents alone. I made Christmas breakfast for us. We did leave the house to Robert's parents for Christmas dinner, but other than that, we just stayed at home and watched movies, and played together. It was kind of nice to not have to go anywhere for a few days and just be together. That doesn't happen very often, so we soaked it up.
As I sit here typing, I am looking at my husband taking a much needed nap by me, baby Layla napping in her seat by the couch, and Alyssa snuggled by the Christmas tree playing her Leapster. (Bella still napping in her bed) I feel just a small slice of heaven. Quiet, stillness, peace, love, and safety. These are the feelings I feel right now. Although I miss my family in Wyoming during the holidays, there is no place I'd rather be than right here.

 The girls frosting the sugar cookies for Santa to come Christmas Eve. It was funny to me how focused they were on it.
 The girls opened one gift on Christmas Eve. It was a family gift from my brother Travis. It is a game called Zingo. Bingo with a Zing! It helps teach the kids Spanish words while playing Bingo. They girls loved it!

 The girls setting the cookies and milk for Santa before bed.

 Christmas morning with their stockings and pillow pets from Santa. They have been begging for those darn pillow pets everytime we go to the store. Mom- It guess it is like I was with the poppels. :)

Thank you Tamara for helping us surprise Alyssa with her Leapster. She has been on that thing non stop for 2 days!
 The girls being artistic with their new art easel and art supplies.

 Me and Layla on Christmas Day. Check her shirt out! "All mommy wants for Christmas is a Silent Night

Layla and her stocking my mom made for her. She wasn't really into Christmas this year. She was happy Christmas morning though.

See you in 2011!

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Winter Fun!

Since it has been cold outside and I have a baby in towe, I've had to get creative to find fun things to do with the girls. Going to the mall playcenter, driving around to see Christmas lights, visiting Santa, playdates with friends, and snuggling up and having movie nights with popcorn.
I have been busy baking, shopping, wrapping presents, and now that it is 2 days before Christmas, and I think I am finally prepared for it to be here. Christmas is a lot of work when you are a parent. I remember it being much more relaxing when I was a child.

Cedi, Bella, and Alyssa at the Bass Pro Shop playing around.

Visiting Santa at Bass Pro. Bella was hilariously scared of Santa. She wouldn't go anywhere near him. This was the only picture I could get because I was with her.
Sunday before church in their Christmas dresses.
Snuggling together for movie night.

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas!

I can't believe that the countdown to Christmas is just 1o days away. There is just so much to do still, and I'm starting to feel the Christmas rush as I know many of you are too.
I got really lucky this year. While Layla and I flew home to Wyoming for Thanksgiving week, my sweet husband and 2 older girls were home decorating our house for me. They were busy little elves! Even though the OCD in me wanted to decorate the tree myself, every night I sit and look at my glowing tree I smile thinking how they did it for me.

My mom makes homemade stockings for every new family member. Here is the newest stocking that was sent to us just a few days ago! Thanks momma, it is SO cute!

The lights my family put up on our house.

Hot Chocolate from QT is something I really love during the winter weather. If you haven't tried their hot chocolate, you really need to. IT IS THE BEST!

Bella all dressed up in her cold weather clothes. You can't see her rain boots in this picture, but you can bet she is wearing them. She wants to wear them with EVERYTHING right now.

Alyssa waiting for the school bus. She has so much happy energy in the mornings. I don't know where she gets that!?

Layla in her warm suit. Does this not scream The Christmas Story! Poor baby can't even move in this thing. But it keeps her nice and toasty when going outside.

Sisterly Love! I love it.

Merry Christmas to all of our family and friends! We love you!

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Growing Girls...

Robert was cleaning out the garage a couple Saturdays ago, and Alyssa came out all decked out in her bike riding gear. She has been wanting a new and bigger bike, but we told her she couldn't get one until she learned to ride her bike without training wheels. She decided that she was ready to learn to do it. I didn't get footage of her riding the bike. But she did pretty well for her first time without her training wheels. We will see if Santa feels like she is ready for a big bike.

I was in the shower one morning, and Layla was napping in the pack and play. She woke up and started screaming mid shower. (why does this always happen?) I came out and Bella was already checking on her for me. I thought it was cute how she had climbed up so she could see her better. Layla didn't think so apparently.

Today Bella was playing with Robert's chess set. One of the glass pieces was chipped and broken and she cut her wrist on the jagged glass pretty badly. The poor baby was so scared because it took awhile for me to get the bleeding to stop. Once it stopped and was cleaned, she sat like this in the rocking chair for a couple of hours afraid to move it.

Little Layla is growing up so fast! She is 4 months old and weighs 15 pounds. She rolls back and forth. She coos and laughs. She is sitting up in her bumbo seat like a big girl. She just tried rice cereal for the first time the other night. She seems like think it was okay, but she doesn't know any better yet. :)

Thursday, December 2, 2010

This Year I'm Thankful For...

1) A husband who is capable and willing to do whatever it takes for our family to be successful.
2) A husband who is forgiving and loves me even on the days I don't deserve his love.
3) Our health and strong bodies that allow us to work hard.
4) A nice warm home that I love to be in everyday.
5) A new baby girl that brings our family so much joy.
6) Layla sleeping more during the nights.
7) Alyssa enjoying school and that she loves learning more everyday.
8) Isabella discovering her voice and talking more each day.
9) Mine and Robert's employment. Good jobs are hard to come by these days, and we are lucky to both have one.
10) Being able to create life and being a mother. This job is the most challenging, and the most important of all the jobs I will have. Nothing stretches me quite as much as being a full time mother does. Being a mother has taught me so many things about myself. Good and bad. I'm working on the bad stuff.
11) My daughter's unconditional love. This one is a BIG one for me because I know I am not a perfect mommy. I am SO thankful that my daughters love me each day, even if I fail at something.
12) A warm, cozy, king sized bed. I never knew I could love a bed so much until I was a tired mommy.
13) Living in a country that we are free to choose for ourselves. I know a lot of changes are happening in our country, not for the good in my opinion, however, we are still a very blessed people to live in the USA compared to other countries around the world. I think especially as a woman, I feel blessed to feel like my opinions matter, and I am allowed to have a voice. A lot of women in other countries are not treated as an important part of their nation.
14) Warm running water in my home. This is something that I have overlooked in the past. But oh my, how I cherish every long hot bath or shower I get to have now. I need them.
15) Getting to see my family members 3 different times! I normally only see my family from Wyoming once a year, but with my little sister getting married, me having Layla, and then getting to go home for Thanksgiving, I got to see my mom, dad, sisters, brother, cousins, aunts, uncles, and my grandmothers 3 times this year. I am very thankful for the time I got to spend with all my loved ones so far away.
16) My granmothers looking healthy and strong when I saw them at Thanksgiving. I grew up with my grandparents just down the road from my house. I am used to seeing them all the time. It is hard to see them only once a year and not knowing when the next time I will see them will be. I miss them.
17) Good friends old and new. Some old friends from back home, I won't see for a year and we can just pick up right where we left off. Those friends are hard to find. I also have met such wonderful great friends here in Oklahoma who without them, my time here would be very lonely. With my family so far away, my friends have become my family. Blessings, brithdays, holidays, BBQs, play dates. I'm blessed with some great people in my life.
18) My faith in Jesus Christ and His atonement He made for me. I'm so thankful for the Sacrifice that was made on my behalf. Boy do I need it!
19) The the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Without this road map in my life, I would be lost.
20) Disposable diapers. Need I say more?
21) Washing machines and dryers. I hate to do laundry, and I would REALLY hate to try to do it in the river or scrubbing them by hand. YUCK!
22) A new year coming up soon. It's another year to try and do better. Be a better wife, mother, friend, and follower of Jesus Christ.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Potty Training and a Birthday!

My sweet little Bella turned 3! I still can't wrap my mind around that yet. It seems like it has just gone by too fast. She has been the easiest, mild tempered, and most quiet child so far. She is such a joy to have in our family. Happy Birthday Bella Boo! We Love You!

Potty training is something I just dread. I really do. But isn't she cute as heck with her tiny dora panties and her potty treat bucket?

Bella and her friends playing at her party.

Princess Bella and her red velvet cupcake.

I love to bake, however, I don't decorate cakes well. So I went for a cupcake tower. Much easier, and still pretty dang cute I think!

Layla at the party. I just had to take a shot of her in this onsie. Our neighbor friends gave it to her, and I just think it is adorable! Too bad her hand is covering most of the L.

The sea of birthday presents Grandma Wyoming (Peterson) sent via UPS to Bella. They got here on her birthdate and she was so excited! Thank you grandma for always thinking of us.

A Barbie car! Both grandmas got her this car. But it is actually perfect because now both Bella and Alyssa have one to zoom around with their Barbies and they don't have to fight over the one.

Look at me...I am 3!!!

Family photos with our newest addition

Our good friend, Andria, took some family shots of us about a week ago. She does a great job taking pictures of little ones. She is so patient and my girls love her. It was a beautiful fall day, and even though my girls were a little sassy side, and my husband showed up 40 minutes late, I think they turned out pretty well.
Thank you Andria for making taking family pictures a lot more fun!

Sunday, October 31, 2010


We had a great Halloween weekend. This year more than ever before, Alyssa and Bella were both very into picking out their costumes, dressing up, and trick or treating togeher. It was fun to see Bella say, "Trick or Treat!" clear as day when she walked around for her candy. I guess we know she can speak clearly when she really wants something.
The girls were very successful in bringing home a ton of candy. We have candy coming out our ears. That is just what I need around here. Hmmm...

Isabella is Tinkerbell, Alyssa is a black cat, and Layla is an OU cheerleader.

The girls at the church trunk or treat. Jillian, Alyssa, Elise, and Isabella.

Cedi, Isabella, and Alyssa trunk or treating my friend Kali's car. She just had a baby girl 6 days before. She is a touch chick! Don't worry, her baby was warm and germ free in the car.

Baby Layla in her festive Halloween shirt that Aunt Tamara sent to all my girls. What this sweet picture doesn't tell you is what happened about an hour after this picture was taken. Layla decided to poop out her diaper and all over her cute outfit. She didn't even get to wear this the whole day. :( UGH!

Bella and Alyssa in their festive Halloween shirts! Thanks Aunt Tamara, you are the best!

Monday, October 25, 2010

October Fun!

I don't know where Ocotber went? But came and went it did. Alyssa was very busy with lots of Fall activites at school. Bella had some fun nice weather play dates with her friends. Layla has begun to laugh and coo at us as we talk to her. My husband is working a night job a few nights a week for a little while. So he is gone A LOT! Which leaves me here tending to the house and kids as usual, just now with very little help.
I love the Fall season. The changing of colors outside, the cool crisp air and breeze, being able to hide my 3 month post baby flab behind layers or a sweater, the sound of football on the TV, (yes, I do enjoy football) baking in the kitchen, and holidays right around the corner.
This week we are gearing up for Halloween and the girls are very excited to dress up in their costumes. I let them pick out their own costume this year. Other years I have had a say in them or even picked them out for them. But this year, it was all there idea. Pictures of that to come this weekend.

The pumkin on the left was my winnings from my October's bunco night. I won it for most wins during the game! It is made out of wax and has a small candle you can light inside of it. Isn't it cute? The small pumpkin on the right is what Alyssa brought back from touring an apple orchard and pumkin patch on her class field trip. She was very proud of the one she picked as you can see. When I asked why she picked that one she told me, "Because I had to carry it all the way back to the bus, so I wanted it not too heavy." Smart girl right?

Some of the gals in my church got our small kiddos that aren't in school together at a park to play. We made sugar cookies and icing and had them ice them together. We all brought a finger food snack to share for lunch. It was a good 'ol time and I think the kids had fun too! :)

Alyssa has been on Fall break from school for a few days. I noticed the girls have kind of gotten on each other nerves, and have been bickering a lot. I think this is because Bella is used to being the queen bee of the house during the daytime now that Alyssa usually is gone to school. What ever the reason, it was ANNOYING! I just couldn't understand why they couldn't play nice together. Rob was out of town all last week to Minneapolis for business, so I was really ON MY OWN! One of the days seemed extra long and tiring, and I had about enough of being a single mom. Then there was one of God's tender mercies that He give me when I need it most. I went in to check on the girls at bedtime, and this next picture is what I saw. What this picture doesn't tell you is that Bella had been crying for me every few minutes and I was feeding the baby, so I just ignored her. When I got Layla down to sleep, I went in the check on them. Alyssa had crawled down from her bunkbed and let Bella snuggle up to her until they both fell asleep together. It made me smile and made me happy to see that they do love each other.

Layla has started picking her head up and looking around during tummy time. She does this for about 5 minutes, and then face plants into the ground and cries to let me know she has had enough work out for the day. She has also started to try to roll over. She can kind of get herself to one side or the other, but not roll all the way over yet. It is fun to watch her discover things, but I can't believe my baby is already showing signs of not being a baby anymore. It makes me sad.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

"I want Crackers"

I don't know how many times a day I hear Isabella say the phrase, "mommm....I wanna cacker!" I think she would live off of Gold Fish crackers alone if I would let her. She loves those things.
I guess it is like my relationship with chocolate. When I eat something sweet and chocolaty, it just makes my world a little but happier. Bella's Gold Fish crackers are a lot healthier than chocolate, so I allow her addiction.
I feel like in THIS case, Sheryl Crows song, "If it makes you happy, it can't be that bad," seems to work. She is so dang happy when she has a bowl of Gold Fish. I know soon when she becomes a teenager, she won't be so easy to please. So can you blame me for giving it to her?

Ode to the Buzzy Seat!

Oh how I love this little buzzy seat! Oh how I love my visiting teacher who was so generous and gave it to me so I didn't have to buy one again. Some days this seat is the only thing that puts me back into the relm of sanity. Because Layla likes to sit in it while it lulls her to sleep, or to watch me as I do my work, I am able to do things that require two hands again. Since most of the time, I am holding a fussy baby, having two free hands is no small accomplishment.

I feel sad for those young mothers back in the old days when people hadn't invented such amazing baby things yet. My heart goes out to those mothers who do not have the luxury of such things. Because of this luxury, I am able to sit in my own home and work at my computer and make money, with my baby buzzing right next to me.

Thank you to whomever invented the wonderful buzzy seat! I truly love you! :)