I have personally been blessed greatly from this union and lavished with God's goodness by their love, example and producing my Kris :). Here's an anniversary card that doesn't seem to be enough to show how we feel about Mom and Dad.
This next card is totally appropriate for the occasion. Because of their marriage, I have known happiness beyond my expectation and definitely beyond what I deserve by their raising a wonderful son. And they are the best in-laws any girl could ever ask for. I have seen firsthand their love and care for each other (you still see them hold hands...so sweet), their faith and trust in Christ, and their never-ending sacrifice and service to their family. I am truly thankful that God has brought them to my life. I still remember the first time I met them, way back when Kris and I were still dating. They flew from GA to CA to meet me and in an instant they made me feel part of their family.
We love you, Mom and Dad, and wish we could be there to honor and celebrate two of our most favorite people in the world! Here are a couple of my favorite photos with them. They were taken when we made a surprise visit to GA in 2010. I love the expressions on their face. You can see my original post here.