if a car needs to look surprised, permanently, at it's own hideous design, this one scored the grand prize. The Brooks Stevens designed Gaylord Gladiator
1954 Buick Wildcat II photos from
How many parts bins did the GM designers raid to barf this up? Corvette body, Caddy dagmar bumpers, buick portholes on the fenders, no clue what they were smoking to come up with the fenders and headlights unless it was from Brooks Stevens "Gaylord Gladiator"
because it contrasts so badly with the great looking Mustangs of 1965-1969 this 1975 by Ghia for gods sake with a half vinyl top, just kills my embracing the Mustang line of cars as "great"
and of course, so does the 1978 King Cobra. all Mustang photo from
the Stutz Bearcat II
these images are from
which is about enough to get your eyes to go on strike I think
1972 Stutz Blackhawk from my post at the Desert Classic 2013 concours
the 1970s Stutz greedy madness was pathetic, and reminds me that not even John D'Agostino could even pull it back from ugly
this is a 1975
though he's done wonders for it, those headlights aren't going to go away. Photos from my 2011 GNRS coverage
from Wikipedia, this Excaliber Roadster didn't need white stripe tires to look worse did it?
the 1960 T Bird, looks like they cribbed ideas from the last of the Packard/Studebaker cars
can you see the Studebaker champion / Citreon / 1959 Packard design above the bumper of the tbird? Ugly bumper too
these tailights were a one year only debacle.
the 1959 Packard
how did that T-Bird of 1960 not get pointed out as ripping off this 1959 Packard hood and lights? from
which reminds me of the 53 or 54
did it really need the turn signal indicators above the headlights?
the 1956 Hudson Rambler station Wagon is never going to win on looks
a cross between a Cevy Suburban, a Nash, and good intentions to keep car companies afloat
the Checker Model A
the Sir Vival
and worse was the Cornell Aurora
this might be the ugliest. Yeah, pretty much nothing really competes with the above. I mean, with all the bull about the Pontiac Aztec, AMC Pacer or Gremlin or Matador, none of those are as ugly as the Aurora.
and then this sloppy lazy design
of course this was being driven by a little old lady. Probably been in a safe garage environment since the day it left the dealership lot
of the Olds Cutlass Calais... which might have been a "Well, no one's tried just an angle down the back to the tailights in a long time... why not? How bad could it be?"
I forgot the Mercer Cobra.