I posted about VIM tires only twice, in 2011 https://justacarguy.blogspot.com/2011/07/vim-tires-dont-slip.html
and 2019 for that huge trike https://justacarguy.blogspot.com/2019/06/the-giant-eight-man-tricycle-was-trike.html
Billy sent me the link to https://lostannalsoftransport.wordpress.com/2013/11/25/its-big-its-red-its-vim
Apparently, it was acquired by the Standard Steel Car Co. of Pittsburgh in 1921 and was shut down by 1923, when news reports surface of bankruptcy-related litigation.
Thank you Billy O!
I've never seen lostannalsoftransport blog before now, it looks like he was blogging between Aug 2013 and Feb 2014
He joined the publication in 2009, after 13 years at Traffic World magazine where he served as Executive Editor, Managing Editor and Associate Editor.
He has been reporting on trucking since 1984, when he joined Fleet Owner magazine in New York.