Camp Ha Wa Ya was founded before 1910
Camp Ha-Wa-Ya was established by Samuel Lee
Pitts on Crystal Lake in Harrison, Maine.
Pitts managed the Camp as a part-time job during the
summer season, and during the off-season he would
work in his family company called Joseph Pitts & Son,
which was a pulpwood and timberlands business with
more than 3,000 acres of timberland near Harrison,
During the 1940s, one
David Kaufman bought the camp from Mr. Pitts. Mr.
Kaufman was a former football coach and had coached
teams such as John Hopkins University and Baltimore
City College. Through Mr. Kaufman’s connections as
a football coach, he recruited many campers from the
Baltimore area.
Camp Ha-Wa-Ya ceased operations, it
appears, in the 1960s.
The property of Camp Ha-Wa-Ya was purchased by the
Deertrees Theater, a generally neighboring property.
At the time of purchase, the theater was owned by
Emerson College, which used the theater as one of
its school programs. Apparently, the idea behind the
purchase was to provide students in the area with
additional housing in the cabins as well as adding
recreational space.
In 1969, the Emerson College sold
the theater, along with the additional lands of Camp
Ha-Wa-Ya, to an apparent Ha-Wa-Ya alumnus named David Maturi
It was on Crystal Lake, Harrison, Norway Rd. That's the east side of the lake, and I don't see on the satellite view where it could have been
And that is likely the most info on the internet about that camp.