Showing posts with label Sturgis. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Sturgis. Show all posts

Wednesday, October 04, 2023

in 2010, Peewee Herman, ZZ Top, and Lorenzo Lamas all went to Sturgis

Plenty of Pee-wee fans flocked to the Buffalo Chip campground outside Sturgis to see Reubens' character perform at a venue also hosting ZZ Top and Buckcherry

I recently heard on a podcast that Lamas sorta left Hollywood acting, and now is a commercial helicopter pilot, and Safety manager for Vezer Industrial, a mining company. 

according to this link, there were some legendary rock groups performing 
Ozzy, The Guess Who, the Scorpions, Guns and Roses, Creed, Kid Rock, Bob Dylan, Tesla, Drowning Pool, and Motley Crue

Monday, November 28, 2022

it's now a scientific fact, motorcycles are organ donor machines: "In an analysis of 7 annual motorcycle rallies from 2005 to 2021, the number of daily donors increased 21% during motorcycle rallies compared to the four weeks before and after"

Earlier studies have linked motorcycle rallies to trauma cases at local hospitals and excess motor vehicle fatalities. Among half a million attendees at Daytona Bike Week in 2000, 570 people were involved in 281 motorcycle crashes that led to 72 hospitalizations and 11 deaths, according to a 2003 study in the Annals of Emergency Medicine. 

 Multiple factors may lead to the increase in crashes, the researchers said. Traffic infrastructure in rural areas where rallies are held is is suited for smaller populations and less traffic. Motorcyclists involved in crashes tend to be older, male and likely to engage in risky behaviors, like drinking alcohol before riding, according to an analysis in 2021.

Monday, November 07, 2022

the submarine USS South Dakota (SSN 790) 2018 Harley-Davidson Street Glide was donated by Harley-Davidson Motor Company to celebrate South Dakota’s namesake submarine and battleship.

Plankowners of  the USS South Dakota, SSN 790, have lifetime rights to ride the motorcycle. Any sailor assigned to SSN 790 is welcome to check the bike out of the museum and ride it anywhere in the state of South Dakota. 

The exceptionally talented airbrush artist Mickey Harris, who is from South Dakota and who specializes in military theme art, created and painted the bike, which honors the history of Battleship South Dakota and commemorates Submarine South Dakota.

Sturgis Motorcycle Museum and Motorcycle Hall of Fame stores the Harley at the museum on permanent display, and maintained in running condition. An ignition key to the bike aboard the sub, can be checked out by any crewmember that goes on leave to South Dakota..

Sunday, December 09, 2012

Tonight on the Travel Channel the World Championship of Bike Builders is on at 8pm Central time

Rafik is going to be on tonight, you can even catch a glimps of his 3 wheeler in the above video, and Rafik right at the end of the video.

But catching a glimpse of RK's creations aren't why I'm posting, I'm letting you know to watch the tv show for more than a glimpse, of course.