Hey, everyone!
Today is February 1 so I thought it would be fun to look back over the first month of this year and reflect. Instead of resolutions, I chose to make a
goal book this year! Do you remember that? I created some notecards for different areas of my life that I wanted to change or improve. I included Stamping, Scrapping, Knitting, Health, Financial, Quality Time, Culinary, Home and Spiritual.
I had started a
Scripture Challenge last year with my friends and I got a little more than half way through before I stopped. I picked right back up this year though and I am staying on track! It is an amazing journey that I am so humbled by!
I started
three new programs to get me on the right track: FlyLady, Financial Peace University and Weight Watchers. I want to share with you my progress thus far.
Can I just say that January was a very busy, very full month for me, but one of the most enlightening times of my life. I am so humbled and honored by all of the lessons I learned throughout this month! So much more than I had imagined!!
Let's start with my Goal Book:
So far I have had FUN creating!
I made birthday cards and gave/sent them on time, except for one. I am still waiting to give it.
I sorted all my stamped images that I have made and/or received from others and stored them in a neat little basket! (
I'm so eager to start playing again!)
I used patterned paper more, which is something that is out of my comfort zone but I love it!
Scrapping:I created a layout for my family album.
I stamped on my scrapbook layouts.
I am using my current supply before buying new.
I have invited friends over to crop, which we are planning on doing this month!
I have shared scrapbook pages on my blog.
I completely started over on my daughter's footies. This has been an ongoing project as you might recall! LOL I got quite a lot done while waiting at gymnastics practice one night, working on it for a while one night I was staying up so I could sleep the next day (
working night shift) and then knitted several more rows last night while watching a movie.
I measured last month and will do that again today!
I weigh in each week.
I joined Weight Watchers with my friend.
I did workout but not a lot, using my hand weights.
I continue to take my Vitamin B12 shots. (
I usually quit taking medicine before I should!)
We've been cooking at home more.
So far I have been sticking with my weight loss efforts!
Paul and I joined Financial Peace University and we absolutely love it!
We have saved some money.
Our debts are all organized. (
Debt Snowball)
We found a way to eliminate our debts even quicker than we thought. (
Debt Snowball & FPU)
We shop the sales and specials for the things we need.
I stopped selling Avon! That was really a big way for us to save money!
Quality Time:I have had more FUN with my family!
Paul and I have date night each week!
Kadesia got to be Queen for the Day! She loves when it's just the two of us hanging out and having our girl time. I love it, too!!!
We went on a small trip with the family when Paul's parents took us to Monster Jam. It was so much fun! A wonderful experience!
We have tried new recipes in my cookbooks.
I let Javan and Kadesia help me in the kitchen more, preparing meals, cleaning off the table, making tea, washing dishes. They love it and it's fun for me to share that with them!
Home:We've gotten rid of even more things we've either grown tired of, didn't need/want/love, or doesn't fit... It's so rewarding to bless others with these things!
The lists I made for this category may not be realized as quickly because they are things that take time and money, two things we have precious little of, but hopefully by the end of the year these 12 goals will be realized!)
Spiritual:I received my copyright information for my new CD.
I definitely have been developing a much better prayer life! This is so key for me to not only talk to God and share what is on my heart and to ask for the things I need His help with, but it's also a time for me to listen to what He is telling my heart! Even when it hurts!
I love that I pray with my kids each night before bed. If I am hurrying around and get busy, they will come to me and ask me to pray with them. I love that they know they can do that. I love that they want to talk to God in prayer!
Now for my Scripture Challenge update:I have really enjoyed getting back into the studying and reading God's Word in a new way! I am reading passages of scripture that I haven't heard in a while and it's like it is being opened up to me in a way that I have never read before. It is all so fresh and new again! I find that in studying for my scripture challenge I also come across scripture references that help others in my life who are hurting or going through things and I am able to encourage and help them by sharing what I have read and learned, even when it has nothing to do with the weekly theme I am studying! If you haven't started this challenge yet, but maybe thought you'd like to, I encourage you to give it a try. You may not want to make a scrapbook like I am doing, but you could find so many wonderful experiences just by studying and cross-referencing the Word of God!
Lastly an update on the three areas of change I have begun:FlyLadyI have a few things of FlyLady's that have truly helped me the most. I printed them out in my "Control Journal" and I refer to them often! I don't receive the emails and I am no longer "signed up" with the program. I recommend it to those who are trying to figure out where to "start" but I just don't have the time to read through all those emails. I receive so many messages in my inbox each day that I cannot read them all at once as it is. So I will still apply the lessons I learned and just simplified my life more by omitting the "program" part of it.
Financial Peace UniversityThis has been such a wonderful program. I love Dave Ramsey's radio program. I know he is helping a lot of people. I read his book called The Total Money Makeover and it was very encouraging to me! I started doing some of the things he suggested then but it wasn't until Paul started being on board with me and signed up for FPU that we started to see a big difference! I love how much more HOPE we have that we are going to get through this tough financial situation and move on. We are expecting great things this year and I will share more each month! If you have the opportunity to take a course near you I would highly recommend it. It's worth every penny! If you follow the program, it will definitely change your life for the better!! Our "debt mountain" is extreme to us, but we know that we don't have nearly as much debt as others. It doesn't make ours any less significant, however, and I would recommend this program to everyone, ESPECIALLY those who are debt-free right now! I do want to share something though. It's kind of silly! We don't have any credit card debts. I had a Maurice's credit card that I got just before I got married. I gave it to Paul and let him cut it up for me. I canceled it of course, but it just HURT! It was seriously sad to me to let him cut up that stinkin' little piece of plastic! Why is that? Oh my! But he did it and I didn't cry! I was brave! LOL But I don't miss it and I know that we are much better off with NO CREDIT CARDS! We don't need them!
Weight WatchersI started WW with my friend, Heather this past month. I have to be honest here...I didn't track like I was supposed to! In the end, who does it hurt? Me! But I was "too busy" to track and then I had no idea what some food point values were because I didn't take the time to look up the recipes. It was too time-consuming I thought. So I really didn't do as well as I could have. I am 2 pounds lighter than when I started 3 weeks ago but it's still not as much as I know I can! So I am going to do better about drinking my water and moving more. I am also going to make myself eat 3 times a day (
aaaagh!!!!) and track what I eat, instead of waiting all day and just eating once. I am proud that I dropped 2 pounds this month! It's far better than the scales going the other way but I am looking for even better results this month!
So that was January! See, I was busy, huh? LOL The real motto here is that when you set goals for yourself, make sure you can measure them and keep track of your progress. Don't just say I want to exercise this month, choose what, how much and when. My goal is to walk 23 miles this month! I am going to workout to Leslie Sansone's Walk A Mile DVD each day except for 5 this month and I have that already on my planner. I can track and measure that by the end of the month. I will be able to see my progress! I know 5 days in particular that I will not workout. I programmed that already in my mind and on my planner so I won't have to feel guilty or like I failed if I don't work out. I encourage you to keep track of your progress, too, because no matter if they are personal goals, business goals, fitness goals or whatever you can achieve them when you plan for success!
I wish you the best!