Showing posts with label cake. Show all posts
Showing posts with label cake. Show all posts

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Unbaked Poppy Seeds Cake with Readymade Crusts and Chocolate Glazing

Poppy seeds cake wth readymade barks

For unbaked poppy seeds cake is need:

1 package of readymade barks

Unbaked cake with poppy seeds 
Chocolate cake with readymade barksUnbaked poppy seeds cake with readymade crusts and biscuits700 ml of milk,

500 g of sugar,

700 g ground poppy seeds,

400 g of biscuits,

2 tablespoons ground walnuts,

250 g of margarine,

40 g of vanilla sugar.

For the chocolate glaze:

200 g of chocolate

20 ml oil

20 g margarine.

Unbaked poppy seeds cake with readymade crusts was prepared as follows:

Boil milk and sugar.

Remove from hotplate.

Add margarine.

Back on the stove and stir occasionally until the butter melts.

Again, off the top, add the ground poppy seeds, ground biscuits and nuts.

Stir well until everything is well combined.

With chilled filling, fill each crust.

Last crust do not fill.

Cover the cake with foil, pressing a heavy object and leave for 24 hours to soften.

For the glaze, melt the chocolate with the margarine and oil while mixing.

Cool the glaze to the density of the overflow and pour cake.

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Chocolate Peanut Cubes with Biscuits and Hotcakes

For chocolate peanut cubes with biscuits and hotcakes is needed:


Hotcakes cake100 g of sugar,

100 ml of water,

200 g of chocolate

250 g hotcakes,

250 g ground biscuits,

250 g ground peanut

200 g margarine.

Chocolate peanut cubes



Boil sugar with 100 ml of water.

Add 100 g of chocolate and margarine.

When all unite, little chill and add peanuts, grated hotcakes and biscuits.

Hotcakes cakeAll good combine and pour into a square baking pan with oiled paper.

Once cooled pour100 g chocolate glaze and sprinkle with peanuts.

Chocolate hotcakes cake

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Russian Cake

Juicy russian cake
Juicy cake with three crustsFor this juicy Russian Cake with three crusts is needed:

12 eggs,

15 tablespoons of sugar,

18 tablespoons ground walnuts,

100 g of walnuts,

100 g of jelly beans,

100 g raisins,

250 g of margarine,

250 g of powdered sugar,

24 g of vanilla sugar

12 g of baking powder,

4 whipped cream

0.5 l of milk

an orange juice.

Creamy and juicy cake 

Russian Cake is prepared as follows:

Jelly beans and nuts finely chop.
Whisk 12 egg whites in solid snow.
Add 6 egg yolks, sugar, 12 of vanilla sugar, baking powder, ground nuts and 6 tablespoons of flour and stir slowly.

Juicy cake with fillingMass divide into three parts and bake crusts.
Ready-made crust pour orange juice.
In mixing bowl, whisk 6 egg yolks with powdered sugar.
Add 6 tablespoons of flour, 12 g of vanilla sugar and boil in milk.
When the filling cool slightly, add the previously prepared margarine mixture and rile mixer.
Add jelly beans, chopped walnuts and raisins and mix well.
Cake fill in following order: crust, filling, crust filling, crust, whipped cream.

Saturday, July 13, 2013

Easy Apple Cake

Apple cake with pudding
Easy cake with juicy, baked crust and fruit fillingFruit and pudding creamJuicy apple cakeFor easy apple cake is needed:

For the crust:

7 eggs,
7 tablespoons sugar
7 tablespoons ground walnuts,
7 tablespoons flour
2 tablespoons oil
1 packet of baking powder.

For the filling:

1 kg of sour apples,
1 liter of water,
300 g of sugar
3 vanilla pudding,
2 bags of vanilla whipped cream.

Easy apple cake prepare in the following manner:


Mix the eggs and sugar.
Add oil, walnuts, flour and baking powder.
Bake in pre-greased and flour-strewn pan.


Mix water and sugar and let it boil.
Peel apples, cut into slices and place in boiling water.
Cook for 10 minutes, ie. until the apples soften up.
Separate 200 ml of liquid and pour roasted and cooled crust.
The pudding powder to add a little cold water and a little sugar, mix well and pour in the apple mixture.
Cook until thickened.
Removed from the top, leave to cool slightly and pour over crust.
Top to decorate cream.

Saturday, April 6, 2013

Easy Cocoa and Chocolate Frosting Cake

Cake with easy cocoa sauce
Ckae cocoa sauceCake poored over with cocoa chocolate frostingQuick and easy dessert poored with cocoa chocolate sauceFor this quick and easy dessert is needed:

For the crust:

3 eggs,
200 g of sugar,
10 g vanilla sugar,
200 ml of milk,
50 g melted margarine,
15 g of baking powder,
280 g of flour.

Simple cake frosting:

30 tablespoons milk,
5 tablespoons sugar,
3 tablespoons cocoa,
20 g of chocolate.

Prepare this cocoa and chocolate frosting cake as follows:

Mix the egg white and sugar and add the vanilla sugar and egg yolks one at a time.
Add milk and melted butter and stir.
Especially mix the flour and baking powder and add to mixture, mix well and pour into a greased casserole dish.
Cake bake in preheated oven at 200 ◦ C.
In a bowl combine 30 tablespoons of milk, 5 tablespoons sugar, 3 tablespoons cocoa, and 20 g of chocolate and cook until the mixture is homogeneous.
Cut cooled cake into cubes and pour hot sauce.

Cake with sauce

Sunday, March 24, 2013

Orange Cake with Homemade Chocolate and Pudding Fillings

How to make orange cakeHow to make orange cake with chocolateHow to make orange cake with two fillingsHomemade fruit cake with pudding and choolate fillings

For Orange cake is needed:

For the crust:

16 egg whites,
16 tablespoons of sugar,
16 tablespoons ground walnuts,
8 tablespoons flour,
16 g of baking powder,
400 ml of orange juice.

For the chocolate filling I:

2 frozen oranges,
10 tablespoons of sugar,
100 ml of orange juice,
250 g ground walnuts,
200 g chocolate.

For the pudding filling II:

16 egg yolks,
250 g of sugar,
3 vanilla puddings (120 g),
2 tablespoons wheat semolina,
1 liter of milk,
250 g margarine.

Prepare Orange Cake as follows:


Whisk 4 egg whites into firm snow.
Gradually add 4 tablespoons of sugar and rile until dissolved.
Add 4 tablespoons of ground walnuts, 2 tablespoons of flour and quarter of baking powder (4 g) and slowly stir.
Place in a greased and sprinkled with flour baking sheet and bake at 180 C.
In the same way, do three more barks.

Homemade chocolate filling:

Frozen orange plane and then put them together with the sugar and orange juice to cook on medium heat for 10 minutes.
Add chocolate and stir until melted and remove from the top and stir in walnuts.

Homemade pudding filling:

In a saucepan pour 800 ml of milk, add sugar and let it boil.
Especially whisk the remaining milk, egg yolks, flour and vanilla pudding, pour in the boiling milk and stir until thickened.
In the chilled custard add margarine mixture and mix it.

Baked crust spray with orange juice.
Orange cake arrange as follows:
The first crust, quarter of the chocolate filling, quarter of the pudding filling, the second crust and the procedure repeated three more times.
Arranged cake decorate as desired.


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