This is a type of corn bread recipe, just baked in molds. Some pizza ingredients are added too.
For pizza muffins is needed:
4 eggs,
200 g corn flour
200 g wheat flour
200 ml oil
200 ml of sour milk or yogurt,
1 baking powder,
200 g ham,
100 g cheese,
50 g feta cheese
3 gherkins (pickles),
sesame and
flax seeds for sprinkling.
Prepare pizza muffins as follows:
Chop ham and the pickles, cheese grate in big chunks and feta cheese crumble.
Combine both types of flour and baking powder then add a ham, cucumbers, both kinds of cheese and a little oregano.
Especially whisk eggs than sour milk (yogurt) and add half a teaspoon of salt.
Mix with eggs add to the mixture with the flour than mix well.
Pour mixture into molds for muffins, pre-anointed with oil. Muffins sprinkle with sesame than flax seeds.