Showing posts with label Bread (Bakery rolls). Show all posts
Showing posts with label Bread (Bakery rolls). Show all posts

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Wrapped Rolls

Wrapped Rolls

Wrapped Rolls

For these easy bred rolls is needed:

200 ml of water,
200 ml of oil,
200 ml of milk,
20 g yeast
1 tablespoon vinegar
125 g of margarine,
4 egg yolks,
2 teaspoons salt
flour as needed (900 g - 1 kg)
small seeds (about 40 g).


Combine lukewarm milk, water, oil, salt, vinegar, yeast, add flour, knead and leave for about 1 h.
Whisk the two egg yolks with the butter.
Wrapped RollsCoat the mixture over pre-developed dough and then roll it.
Cut roll into pieces 2 cm thick.
Each piece squeeze in the middle and twist the rolls to form a shape of number 8
Put the wrapped rolls in a baking pan, brush with beaten egg yolks and sprinkle with sesame seeds.
Bake until golden brown (about 30 minutes).

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Cream Rolls

Cream RollsCream Rolls
For the dough is necessary:

200 ml yoghurt
200 ml milk
2 eggs,
30 g fresh yeast
3 teaspoons salt
3 tablespoons sugar
1 kg of flour.

For the filling is necessary:

500 ml milk
2 bags of chocolate pudding.


Cook chocolate pudding as directed and placed to cool.
In a small bowl pour the lukewarm milk, sugar, flour and a teaspoon of fresh yeast and mix thoroughly and leave on warm to swell.
In a suitable bowl pour half the required amount of flour, add swelled yeast, yogurt, egg and salt and mix well.
Gradually add remaining flour and mix until the mass begins to separate from the vessel.
Of dough make 12 balls.
Each ball develop and apply margarine.
Sort on two spuds of the six thin developed balls, one another.
Let stand 15 minutes.
Dough develop by a rolling pin, cut into strips, fill (one to two teaspoons of filling) and roll.
Rolls arranged in a baking pan and allow to stand for two hours.
Coat the egg and bake in oven at 220 ⁰ C until golden brown.

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Triangles with Swiss Chard

It is necessary for the dough:

80 g margarine,
0.5 kg of flour,
2 eggs,
125 ml of water,
half a teaspoon of salt,

It is necessary for the filling:

1 kg spinach,
1 leek,
100 g rice
4 tablespoons parsley

For the coating:

egg white,
sesame seeds.


In a little oil stew finely sliced ​​boiled chard and finely chopped leek.
Add rice, parsley, salt, pepper and stew about 20 minutes.
In a bowl put flour, eggs, margarine, salt and water and knead the dough.
Divide dough into four parts.
Every part develop by the rolling pin in the shape of a rectangle, cut into strips and each coat with oil.
On the strips put the custard and fold into a triangle.
Triangle, line up and put in pan.
Triangles coat with whisked egg white and sprinkle with sesame seeds and bake in preheated oven at 220 C until golden brown.

Friday, May 13, 2011

Vintage Rolls

It is necessary to:

250 g margarine,
1 egg
250 ml of milk in which a yeast is dissolved,
750 g flour


Whisk the butter and egg and add milk with yeast and flour.
Knead until smooth dough is obtained.
Develop the dough and cut into triangles and on the triangles put a teaspoon of jam.
Bake till golden brown.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Cookies with Eggs

Cookies with Eggs

Cookies with Eggs

Cookies with EggsIt is necessary:

2 eggs,
500 ml milk
teaspoon sugar
10 tablespoons of oil,
piece of yeast
900 g flour.


Whisk the eggs.
Add sugar, oil, milk and yeast.
Add flour and knead the dough.
Of dough make balls, attenuate them, spread the jam and bake.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Bakery rolls

It is necessary:

500 ml milk
2 cups of oil,
one teaspoon of sugar,
piece of yeast
flour as needed (about 900 g)
rose hip jam.


In deeper dish add milk, oil and a teaspoon of sugar.
Meanwhile, pour the yeast in half a cup of warm milk, add a teaspoon of sugar and a teaspoon of flour.
Cover the cup and saucer towel and leave to advene.
When yeast foam, add the previously built up mixture, then add flour and knead the dough.
Cover the dough with a cloth and leave to advene.
From the dough make balls that should attenuate and then coat with jam and fold in the form of rolls.
Allow the rolls to advene.
Floods came rolls coat with egg yolk and sprinkle with sesame seeds from above.
Bake in preheated oven at 220 C.


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