Chocolate cornflakes cookies have a lot of what cookie lovers of all ages, looking for . Basically, there are cornflakes and chocolate, as desired and to taste, you can add the honey, walnuts, raisins …
When they are made and cooled, they are very tasty, crispy and chocolate. I like it a lot also, because this corn flakes cookies belong to a group of quick no bake desserts, also, almost anyone can prepare them, which makes them attractive to those that not spend much time in kitchen. This no bake cornflake cookies, can be prepared in 20 minutes. Recipe for Easy Chocolate Cornflake Cookies describes how I prepare them.

For chocolate cornflake cookies is needed:
100 g of powdered sugar,
250 g margarine,
100 g dark chocolate,
8 tablespoons honey
2 tablespoons of cocoa
100 g raisins,
250 g cornflakes,
100 g nuts.
Chocolate cornflake cookies prepared in the following manner:
In a saucepan melt the butter, sugar, chocolate, cocoa and honey.
Remove from the heat and add the raisins, nuts and cornflakes.
Stir well.
Remove the mixture with a spoon and place in a paper basket.
Allow to cool and hardened.