Showing posts with label bombshells. Show all posts
Showing posts with label bombshells. Show all posts

Tuesday, January 28, 2020

Bullet Review: Wonder Woman #750

 Wonder Woman #750 came out last week and was a thick anniversary issue on par with Action Comics #1000 and Detective Comics #1000. It is a beautiful squarebound book with numerous variant covers including one commemorating each of decade of Wonder Woman stories. Of course, I had to pick the Brian Bolland 1990's cover, the first time I ever read Wonder Woman for any length of time, drawn in by Bolland's covers.

There are a bunch of stories looking at current continuities, Elseworlds, and some just capturing who Diana is as a character. It brings in a bunch of creative heavy hitters including Steve Orlando, Gail Simone, Scott Snyder, Bryan Hitch, Greg Rucka, and Nicola Scott.

If you are a Wonder Woman fan, it is worth the price point.

But this is a Supergirl blog, so I'll talk about 'To Me' by Marguerite Bennett and Laura Braga.

 The two creators worked on DC Bombshells together. And long time readers of this blog know that I loved the first couple of years of the book before it went from being a story with an agenda to an agenda with a story. A fine distinction, I know.

In 'To Me', all the Bombshell characters discuss what Diana has meant to them. That includes Supergirl.

As a reminder, I loved the arc of Kara in the early stories. She was brash at first. Then she was going to sacrifice herself to save the world (shades of Crisis!). And then, instead, when Kara's sister Stargirl sacrificed herself instead, Kara fell into a deep depression.

It was only with Wonder Woman's counsel that Kara was able to overcome that grief and move along in her life.

It was great to revisit these characters and that arc again.

 And then we hear from Diana herself who says that all she wants is to do good, be better, and be kinder and wiser.

That is what her mission is. That is who she is to herself.

Loved this story. This felt like those early stories again. That was a great run.

My other favorite story was 'Emergency Visit' by Shannon and Dean Hale with art by Riley Rossmo.

Now first off, I must admit I love Rossmo's wonky style so your mileage may vary there.

But the tale is that Hippolyta creates a fake emergency (a Hydra attack) to force Diana home so they can reconnect. As the battle goes on, Hippolyta asks about Diana's romance, does she still hang out with the JLA, and is Diana wearing the robes her mother sent her.

Initially Diana is irritated by this waste of time. But later she realizes she has to spend some time with family now and then.

As a parent and as a son, I loved this issue. I found Hippolyta's question barrage during the Hydar fight endearing of a parent who just wants to know what is happening in her kid's life. And Diana coming home in the end for a drink and conversation was perfect.

Anyways, there are a lot more stories there to digest. But this is a bullet review. Head to Mart Gray's Too Dangerous for a Girl Wonder Woman #750 review to learn more.

Overall grade: B+

Friday, July 7, 2017

Review: DC Bombshells #30

DC Bombshells #30 came out in print this week and was the next chapter in the final arc for this title. And, incredibly, I think it is the final arc for me with these characters. This title has been on shaky ground for the last several months and this issue cinched it. I think this title has sort of lost its way.

The first year of this book was such a delight, introducing us to these characters, riffing on the film styles of the day, and bringing in the politics of the day. The zenith was in DC Bombshells #12, in a battle over London, where Stargirl sacrifices herself. I applauded this book then.

Since then, the stories have been a bit all over the map. Writer Marguerite Bennett began to use the book as a vehicle for an agenda. And as I have said, if you have a character driven book with an agenda, I am on board. When you have an agenda book with characters, it often falls apart. I also think that Bennett has started to be a bit too cute and a bit too glib in a way that seems wrong for the book.

The art, done by the excellent talents of Carmen Carnero, Richard Ortiz, and Aneke, continues to shine.

This was a war book. And even though war is there, it isn't that any more. This book hasn't crackled for me like it did early on. And it is something of a shame because the Supergirl story is actually the high point for the current story. But when this volume ends, I think I am out.

On to the book.

Monday, May 22, 2017

Review: DC Bombshells #27

DC Bombshells #27, the print version of the digital first comic, came out this week. As always, since I read the floppies, I am behind the time.

The issue includes another chapter in Supergirl's journey home. Writer Marguerite Bennett has given us a new take on the character. Crushed by the sacrifice of her sister Kortni, this Kara is depressed and powerless. She decides she needs to head home to Russia to try to gain some normalcy but those plans are waylaid when she is discovered by Russian spies, German spies, and Lex Luthor on her train ride home.

I don't mind this Supergirl working her way through this emotionally. We saw how close she was with Kortni. We saw how she was ready to sacrifice herself to defeat the Tenebrau. She is still quite young. I imagine this is what would have happened had Kal died in the Crisis instead of her.

But what I really like is Bennett giving a new riff on an old Supergirl power. At least as how it is portrayed in this issue, I am very intrigued.

The art on the chapter is by Adventures of Supergirl veteran Carmen Carnero and really works well here.

Now while I enjoyed the Supergirl piece, the bulk of the book focuses on the Zatanna/Raven/Ivy/Harley story. And this has yet to grab me. I have talked about how I don't like when this book veers towards being an 'agenda book'. Here I didn't like how Bennett is getting bit too cute with her writing.

On to the book.

Thursday, April 20, 2017

July 2017 Solicits

The July solicits for DC comics came out this week and I have to say, there were a couple of non-Super surprises there which means I might have to moonlight a little to get ready for the summer spending spree. A trade is coming out for the first year of Brian Q. Miller's Steph Brown Batgirl book, a series I ate up like an eclair. And Dolphin is guest starring in Aquaman! And those aren't even my favorite surprise!

And, as seems to be the norm, the super-books continue to look like they are on the right track with solid arcs and great art.

Here is the link on Newsarama for all the books:

And now the super-discussion.

Variant cover by BENGAL
“ESCAPE FROM THE PHANTOM ZONE” part three! Supergirl must quell the maelstrom tearing apart the Phantom Zone, as Batgirl faces down the Phantom King one on one. If they fail, they’ll be lost in the Phantom Zone forever!

Love this cover with Supergirl ripping through the Phantom King-like bandages. I am really happy this is a prolonged Babs/Kara story arc, a way to cement their friendship in this continuity. And hoping that we get a great new understanding of the Phantom Zone.