Showing posts with label Supergirl 45. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Supergirl 45. Show all posts

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Sales Review: September 2009

I found this month's review of comic sales to be fascinating. I wondered what effect on sales would come from so many titles raising their price to $3.99. My thoughts were that the comics on the edge, the lower sellers, would suffer because readers would have less money to spend. Let's face it, my $12 now can only buy me 3 issues instead of 4.

As usual, ICv2 does a great job of breaking down the September 2009 sales. Here is the link:

One thing they noted was that some books with the $3.99 cover price dropped a bit precipitously from month to month. In other words, people are less likely to continue to buy more expensive comics unless the story really grabs them. One thing that is evident is that Blackest Night is of high quality as the mini-series, the GL books, and related mini-series like Blackest Night:Superman all sold very very well.

Personally I have always been concerned about the effect of this price increase on some of my favorite books. Will pricier more popular titles mean less people buying Supergirl or R.E.B.E.L.S. ? Let's crunch the numbers.

Supergirl #45 sold 32,240 units down from the 33, 819 units Supergirl #44 sold. That means sales were down 5%.

Now Supergirl #44 was a part of Codename:Patriot and so may have brought in more readers. But Supergirl #45 was part of the crossover Hunt For Reactron. So to see numbers drop a bit is sort of discouraging.

32,240 marks the lowest sales for Supergirl since the Gates/Igle revival. Sales have always hovered closer to 33K. I am not going to quibble over slight ripples in sales since I think the title is still very healthy. But in looking at all the sales, Action Comics and Superman sales are both around 36K. I wonder if Superman fans have reached their limit for the 'Year Without Superman'.

That said, the solicits for issues #47 and #48 seems much more Supergirl-centric and less a part of the New Krypton aftermath. I will be interested to see how sales look there.

As semi-discouraged as I was with sales of the main title, I was encouraged by the sales of Supergirl Annual #1. This issue had a lot of things going for it. First off, it had this unbelievably powerful Renato Guedes cover. This might be my last chance to say how much I loved this cover.

It also was the 'first' Linda Lang story.

And it also had 'The Origin of Superwoman', a character that got a lot of publicity and a story that sold very well.

Still, an annual is an 'extra issue' on readers' pull lists.

I was pretty impressed to see that Supergirl Annual #1 sold 28,862. I wonder if some Supergirl fans were simply torn between buying with the Annual or #45.

I really enjoyed the Annual thinking it was a strong issue and a good hook for new readers. It will be interesting to see next month's sales report to see if the main title rebounds or improves.

Unfortunately, despite unbelievable coverage by DC in all areas, R.E.B.E.L.S. still seems to be sliding.

The book has been promoted on all the big sites, mentioned by Dan Didio in lots of places, and is a fun book. It just can't find it's footing.

R.E.B.E.L.S. #8 sold only 11347 units. This is down slightly from the issue before.

I can't wait to see the sales for R.E.B.E.L.S. #10, the Blackest Night tie-in linked to the Indigo ring giveaway. Does anyone think it will triple the books sales that month? Quadruple it?

Overall, I think sales numbers for Supergirl remain stable. I wonder what direction the sales will go once the New Krypton/Reactron issues slow down. My hope is Supergirl #50 will draw in the curious and increase the reader base.

Friday, September 25, 2009

Review: Supergirl #45

Supergirl #45 represents the second part of The Hunt For Reactron. Despite the name of the arc, we haven't seen that much Reactron yet and I am okay with that.

While there is some early action, this issue is really focuses on two more character based plots. One is the unsettling feeling on Earth secondary to the events of Codename:Patriot. The other plot, and the one I am really enjoying, is the exploration of the Kara and Thara relationship. Sterling Gates and Greg Rucka have been able to show just how deep the rift is between them ... a rift created by the death of Zor-El and widened by Thara's religious conviction/insanity.

One thing that I definitely like about the last few issues is the re-emergence of Cat Grant as a foil for Supergirl. While Supergirl #34 really set up their prickly relationship, Cat has had to settle into the background because of the more off-world action revolving around New Krypton.

So seeing her speaking so hatefully about Supergirl with Morgan Edge put a smile on my face. I think Cat is going to be an interesting character in Kara's life for a while and so seeing her sharpen her claws makes me anticipate the characters' next interaction. I mean Cat really fires with both barrels calling Supergirl 'violent', 'unstable', 'a plague on Metropolis' and an 'embarrassment for Superman'. That is pretty rough.

Unfortunately, Cat's words probably ring true to the average citizen as footage is being shown of Supergirl battling Squad K, throwing the soldiers around like rag dolls.

I especially liked to read how heavy Cat pours it on. She is an evilly efficient speaker. By calling Alura the 'Queen of New Krypton' she appeals to the patriotism of most Americans since we revolted to free ourselves from a monarchy. It also means Supergirl is a 'princess' with all the spoiled petulant baggage that word can sometimes.

She even says calls Supergirl 'without a doubt a threat to every man, woman, and child on this planet'. Unbelievable. Somehow I don't think Kara's response is going to be crying on a rooftop like she did in Supergirl #34. I think Supergirl's response is going to be more of shock and smoldering anger.

One thing that I completely haven't liked about the New Krypton storyline is the necessary introduction of things that can harm Kryptonians. If there is going to be any sense of conflict, the military needs to be able to hold their own against Kryptonians. That said, Superman is Superman. The Army shouldn't be able to easily hurt him (or any Kryptonian).

So here Squad K has 'screamers', sonic weapons which hurt Supergirl and Flamebird. They also have a 'white dwarf grenade' which Chris is able to detonate with his tactile telekinesis. The grenade does seem to at least slow down the Metropolis 3, although it also provides them access to an underground railway tunnel through which they can escape.

Another thing that I have been intrigued with recently is Lois and her current strained relationship with Kara. Yes, she is angry at Supergirl and blames her for Lucy's death.

And yet, she also rushes across town to dress down Cat Grant for her jingoism. It doesn't look like Cat is able to take it as well as she gives it. She looks downright stunned into silence when Lois call her a propaganda tool.

Sure Lois never comes right out and defends Supergirl. But since Cat's whole spiel was an attack on Kara, Lois' counterattack has to be looked upon as a defense of Supergirl.

I like the fact that Lois is a presence in this book right now.

This issue also catches us up with Lana who, like Cat, has melted into the background of this title since New Krypton. With no where else to go, Supergirl brings Chris and Thara to Lana's apartment.

One small thing I like is that when Lana hears the three enter, she asks if it is Linda. Not Kara. Not Supergirl. Linda.

If the secret identity aspect of Supergirl's character is going to take root, it needs small things like this to happen. I think of the Silver Age Supergirl as Linda first, then as Kara. I still think of the current Supergirl as Kara.

While hiding out, the Metropolis 3 try to figure out what their next best step is.

Chris realizes that the best way to clear their names is to ... well ... clear their names by capturing Reactron and getting him to confess. Lana thinks Lois might be a useful ally in digging up where to go next.

Lana's illness as a subplot also hasn't been addressed in a while. In this issue, we see that she is still suffering from nosebleeds (brain cancer?). She looks like she is being drawn a bit more gaunt by Jamal Igle. In what is a nice moment, Thara manifests the Flamebird persona and is able to detect that something is not right within Lana.

I think at some point Supergirl is going to see that Flamebird persona emerge and suddenly her doubts about Thara's mental stability are going to vanish. We haven't seen any physical aspects of Flamebird since Agent Assassin attempted his mind meld. I hope we see more soon.

Lana and Chris leave to talk to Lois and get her aid.

With Lana gone, Thara tries to tell Kara that she detected Lana's illness. The problem is the delivery. While Thara thinks she is being a good friend, her harsh look and religious overtones('something is corrupting her' rather than 'she is ill') push Kara away.

It is a shame. In its own way, that was an olive branch Thara was holding out.

But the name of the arc is The Hunt for Reactron and so we finally get to see Supergirl's arch-enemy. His radiation leak from last issue must have been repaired as General Lane decides to cut him loose to go after the Kryptonians.

In my review of Action Comics #881, my complaint was that I didn't quite understand how or why the Metropolis 3 got released from the clutches of Project 7734. Remember, all three had been overwhelmed by Metallo, Reactron, and Mirabai. Why would Lane release them?

It was suggested that he did it to help spread fear and distrust and certainly the early parts of this issue show that he was successful in that. So it was strange to hear him call Supergirl, Nightwing, and Flamebird as loose ends. If they are loose, it is at his discretion.

Of course, Lane has lied to lots of people to serve his purpose. Maybe he is simply feeding Reactron a line.

The issue ends with a great splash page of Reactron vowing to kill Supergirl. Fantastic.

Again, this issue is mostly character driven as we see the more personal responses of all the main and supporting characters to the event of Codename:Patriot. I appreciate issues like this as they flesh out the characters, let's us learn more about their motivations and feelings. The story here and in Action Comics should have a major impact on the characters outside of them simply punching people. It is important for us to see these moments as well. And Gates and Rucka have such a great handle on their respective characters, the scenes just flow beautifully.

As usual, the art by Jamal Igle is great. Whether it be the two page spread of the skirmish at the Eiffel Tower or close up expressions of Cat Grant, his art really resonated this issue. I hope Matt Camp is bringing his A game these next few issues. He has big shoes to fill.

I can't wait to see where this story goes next.

Overall grade: A

But wait ..... one more thing ....

I don't care how great a reporter Lois Lane is, she shouldn't be pushing Jamal Igle out of the way like that!

Hee hee.

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Sunday Smorgasbord

I usually take Sunday's off from blogging, but so much news has come up about Supergirl that I felt I needed to post about it sooner rather than later. So these are more like bullet news items rather than any in-depth analysis.

First off, World's Finest #3!

Newsarama has posted the December super-title solicitations on their web site. Here is the link: ( ). As I usually do, I will post a December solicitations post once all the comics have been listed so I can include Cry For Justice or Tiny Titans or other pertinent stuff. But this one was too cool to wait.

Written by Sterling Gates
Art by Jamal Igle
Covers by Phil Noto

The Toyman has crafted the ultimate killing machine to protect himself from the Kryptonian menace, and Oracle has sent Supergirl and Batgirl to stop it. But when Supergirl faces off against the Kryptonite Man while the new Batgirl takes on Catwoman, they both find themselves in over their heads.This looks like a job for... Retailers please note: This issue will ship with two covers, both by Phil Noto, that can be ordered separately. Cover A will feature Supergirl. Cover B will feature Batgirl.

Now I have never been shy about my love of Phil Noto's art. (I could always post my Phil Noto commission again!) I think his stuff is spectacular and I love this cover. He just draws a great Supergirl and that middle panel of Kara with the light effect softening her features is wonderful. Now for a second I thought the orange cat in the upper center might be Streaky but my guess is that is more an art element about Catwoman.
I do like the choice of villains here. I thought the Toyman would become a Supergirl rogue given his connection to Cat Grant. And we get a Supergirl/Batgirl team up again! Looks like I'll have to dust off one of their Silver Age team-ups for a back issue review.

Now in case you skimmed the above solicitation, you'll see that Jamal Igle is drawing this issue! So we get to see how Igle interpret's the new Batgirl. He talks about it and his work over the rest of the year on his blog: (

Since it's already been revealed via Newsarama, I can talk about it. I will be taking three issues off from Supergirl starting with issue #47. However as announced I will be drawing World's finest #3 featuring Batgirl, Supergirl and Catwoman. After which I'll be back on Supergirl in time for issue # 50. So I'm not on Supergirl but still drawing Supergirl.. I told you it was a little weird.

So no Igle on the Supergirl title for issues 47-49. Matt Camp has been listed as the artist for Supergirl #47 so I wonder if he will be doing the three issues. I am happy to hear that Igle is not off the book entirely (that would suck) and will be back for Supergirl #50 which I assume will be something huge. I don't know much of Camp's work other than the Mon-El/Jamie Harper story in the recent Superman: Secret Files book.

Now Supergirl #45 is coming out next Wednesday and DC is doing it's job to promote it, showcasing the first several pages on The Source ( ).

Looks like a great brawl between The Metropolis 3 and Squad K. I like how throughout this opening scene we hear Morgan Edge and Cat Grant's rhetoric. It reminds me a bit of how much media overlays were a big part of The Dark Knight Returns and how much that influenced the story. The art here really sizzles too.

Jamal Igle talks a bit about the upcoming issues on his blog as well: ( )

There's also another little surprise for the eagle eyed readers in this issue. I'm so stoked with the way this issue and issue 46 have turned out so far.

Hmmm ... looks like I'll have to keep my eyes peeled. Gates and Igle have put small homages to the Supergirl movie in the book before so I wonder if it is movie-related. Maybe a Popeye's Chicken?

And lastly, Matt Idelson give us a tour of the Superman office again in the latest post on The Source ( There is lots of good information and preview pics there, so definitely check it out.

I had to post this page by Jamal Igle from Supergirl #46 as we see Supergirl, Flamebird, and Nightwing taking on Reactron. It's the fight we all have been waiting for. Looks sharp!

I promise to review the second half of Reactron's first appearance in Daring New Adventures of Supergirl sometime in the next couple of weeks once Hunt For Reactron is going full swing.

And that my friends is a full plate of Supergirl goodness for your Sunday brunch!

Sunday, June 14, 2009

September Solicits So Far

I get the sense I am going to need to work a couple of moonlighting shifts to afford comics this summer. Between all the Blackest Night stuff (which I am really excited for), all the extra Super-family stuff, Wednesday Comics and the rest of my usual pull list, I am going to be spending a pretty penny.

Newsarama has posted the September super-title solicits on their site ( )and here they are with my usual guesses and comments.

Written by Sterling Gates
Art by Jamal Igle & Jon Sibal
Cover by Joshua Middleton

Continuing from ACTION COMICS #881 – “The Hunt for Reactron” part 2! Can Supergirl rely on her seemingly unstable childhood friend to help her track down her father’s assassin? Or will she ultimately get burned by Flamebird?

So first off, what a great cover this is! Middleton has just been phenomenal on his run of covers. This one works so well. The look of surprise on Supergirl's face as she realizes that there is a threat outside of the immediate one (Thara) is astounding. I wonder if this means the 'Alas poor Yorick cover' inadvertantly posted by Josh Middleton on his site is the cover for #46?

As for the book description, I am not surprised that a Kara/Thara throwdown happens. First off, their interactions since New Krypton have been chilly at best. Second, Thara really has a religious fervor to her mission and sometimes that can lead to confrontation. Maybe the person behind rifle scope is the same shooter from Codename:Patriot?

Written by Sterling Gates
Art by Fernando Dagnino & Raúl Fernandez
Cover by Renato Guedes

In SUPERGIRL #34, Supergirl took the new secret identity of Linda Lang. But how long until someone finds out her secret? Now, for the first time ever, witness Supergirl's initial attempt to live her double life in “Linda Lang: Day One”! Plus! The secret origin of Superwoman revealed! What drove Lucy Lane to become the superpowered threat known as Superwoman? How did she transform from Lois Lane's little sister into Project 7734’s secret weapon? Find out here!

I talked about this annual last week, so I will keep it brief. I am clamoring for both stories. I have been awaiting more Linda Lang. And I really need to know more about Lucy/Superwoman. I don't think this is going to disappoint.

Written by James Robinson & Greg Rucka
Art by Pete Woods
Cover by Gary Frank
Variant cover by Bryan Talbot

It’s never a dull moment on New Krypton – just when Superman was getting used to his place on his reborn homeworld, he’s thrust into a new position that makes his previous duties look like a cakewalk. And thanks to the fallout from the “Codename: Patriot” storyline, New Krypton’s ruler – and Superman’s aunt – Alura has her hands full keeping the people of Kandor from panicking. So of course it’s the perfect time for an alien threat to arrive and declare war...


My guess is that General Zod is the person shot in Codename:Patriot and that Kal gets given his job of leading the military on New Krypton. Even Non and Ursa look like they are ready to follow his lead.

Now that is a great plot twist. Will Kal be able to use his new political clout to bring his ideals into the Kryptonian culture? This series has really been a great read. With the sudden change in writers I was a little worried.

Written by Geoff Johns
Art by Gary Frank & Jon Sibal
Covers by Gary Frank

Hot on the heels of their acclaimed run on ACTION COMICS, superstars Geoff Johns and Gary Frank reunite to present a 6-issue event that spells out the definitive origin of Superman for the 21st century – and it all starts with a gigantic 48-page issue! Chronicling Clark Kent’s journey from the cornfields of Smallville to the skyscrapers of Metropolis, you'll witness a whole new look at the beginnings of Lex Luthor, the Legion of Super-Heroes, Lois Lane, Metallo, Jimmy Olsen, the Parasite and more! It's a look at the mythic past of the Man of Steel with an eye toward the future!

I am old enough to remember eagerly reading John Byrne's recreation of the Superman mythos in Man of Steel. Now I am really looking forward to reading Geoff Johns and Gary Frank's definitive origin of Superman. Johns really seems to be able to take the broad strokes of the Silver Age and update them in a 21st century sensible way. I really think that this will revitalize the Man of Steel's origins in the same way that Green Lantern: Rebirth and Green Lantern:Secret Origin re-invigorated Hal Jordan. And I can't wait to see some Gary Frank art again!

Written by Greg Rucka; co-feature written by James Robinson & Rucka
Art by Julian Lopez; co-feature art by CAFU
Cover by Pere Pérez

“The Hunt for Reactron” starts here! Spilling out of the stunning finale of “Codename: Patriot,” Supergirl and Flamebird find themselves at each other’s throats! What’s happened to these two childhood friends to put them at such odds, and can Nightwing calm them down before the situation escalates? And just what are they going to do about all of the guys who are surrounding them? You know, the guys in the tanks? Continued in SUPERGIRL #45! Plus! James Robinson and Greg Rucka’s Captain Atom co-feature continues! What is happening to Captain Atom, and more important, what’s happening to his mind? Team Breach is on hand to lend some answers, but Atom probably isn’t going to like them. Featuring the gorgeous art of CAFU!

So Reactron remains a thorn in Supergirl's side still. While I like Reactron as a rogue, especially given the personal vendetta Kara has with him, I hope his story wraps up soon and we can see some new villains square off against Supergirl.

Still, what situation could have set off Thara and Kara? My guess is that somehow Kara's mission unknowingly interferes with Thara's. And given the passion Thara is bringing to her holy mission, I don't think she will tolerate it well.

I am not really interested in the Captain Atom back-up feature. But I will go in with an open mind.

Written by James Robinson
Art by Renato Guedes & José Wilson Magalhães
Cover by CAFU

Tragedy strikes in the aftermath of “Codename: Patriot” as Metropolis buries one of its own! And with a man down, the Science Police are on their own to stop a cadre of Super-Villains from stealing a formerly common commodity that has suddenly become rarer than gold!

Hmmm ... someone gets buried and a dying Mon-El is not on the cover. Could he have died in the Codename:Patriot storyline? I doubt it. He needs to be around to eventually join the Legion. Plus, I don't know if I would enjoy a solely Guardian book.

So who gets buried? Any guesses? I am betting on Harper's niece.

And now some other books ....

Written by James Robinson
Art and cover by Mauro Cascioli

The team welcomes two new members as Supergirl and Shazam join the roster! And it’s just in time, too, because when Prometheus is finally caught and his evil machinations are revealed, the League finds out they may be unable to stop him.

Well, let me compliment Mauro Cascioli's art again. This is a dramatic and dynamic cover. And man, Supergirl looks strong and angry here.

I am a bit saddened to hear she joins in the third issue. She and Shazam are only in half the run? Maybe I would be more accepting if this was an ongoing. But now I feel a bit cheated. Does that mean the first three issues only star GL,GA, and the Atom? Three guys don't make a league!

Anyways, I am still looking forward to reading this.

Written by Geoff Johns; co-feature written by Geoff Johns and Michael Shoemaker
Art by Francis Manapul, co-feature art by Clayton Henry
Covers by Francis Manapul

Superboy is back and living out his teenage years in Smallville. But all is not as it seems in Superman’s hometown. And while Conner reunites with his former girlfriend, Wonder Girl, to see if they have a future together, Lex Luthor and Brainiac form a partnership that will cause havoc throughout the DC Universe. But what do their plans have to do with Conner and the other students at Smallville High? Plus, in the Legion of Super-Heroes co-feature, which takes place all the way in the 31st century, Lightning Lad travels to the prison planet of Takron-Galtos to confront his brother, Lighting Lord. There, Lightning Lord informs Lighting Lad of a shocking family secret that sets the pieces in motion for a war that will decide the future of the universe. Yeah, the universe. No big.

I love the cover here. A Conner/Cassie reunion should happen early in the series and deserves more than a mention. I am glad that story seems to be the bulk of this issue. I also really like that Krypto was invited on the date!

As for the Legion ... well I have lived through too many LSH reboots to know what to think. I hope that the series is accessible to potential new fans but rooted enough for old Legion buffs. We'll see.

I think there will be even more books that I will need to comment on once all the solicits are released. Start saving!

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Supergirl #45 Cover - Finished Product


Josh Middleton has posted the final colorized version of the cover of Supergirl #45 over on his blog ( ).

As usual, Middleton really hits this one out of the park. One thing that always stands out is his use of lighting on the covers. Here we see Alura and Kara bathed in light from 2 sources. One is the ceiling/logo which creates almost a halo effect around Alura. The other is a more muted light from the floor. This is just wonderful.

But there are a couple of other things I really like about this composition.


I absolutely love that Alura is running her hand through her hair. We have come to realize just how close to insanity Alura has come. For some reason her flipping her hair has a chilling effect.

First off, there is something suggestive about this (and her expression), almost as if she is somehow aroused as she holds up Reactron's helmet. Look at the smoldering look out of the corner of her eyes as she tosses her hair back

Also, it looks as though she may be adjusting her hair using Reactron's helmet as a mirror. The fact that she would be doing such a mundane task as she holds up her enemies 'head' is frightening.

I think this simple pose and action just speak volumes of who Alura is. And isn't that what good art is all about.


I also love Kara in this cover.

First off, look at the expression on her face, the distance she is keeping from her mother. She doesn't want to get close to Alura.

And Alura dwarfs her on the cover. One thing that we have yet to see is Supergirl really stand up to her mother. She has sort of remained a bit subservient to Alura, doing anything to please her. Alura dominates the cover over Kara just as she dominates her in the story.

All together it makes the cover a powerful piece.


This whole cover was a treat for me as Middleton shared with us the process from thumb nails to sketches to finished inks to coloring.

I hope he does the covers on the title for a long time.