Showing posts with label Scott Edelman. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Scott Edelman. Show all posts

Thursday, February 9, 2017

Back Issue Review: Superman Family #194

We are currently in a time where groups are eager to label anyone different as 'other' and accuse them of villainy and evil. I look out at this country and all I see is hate. And it scares me. No one seems willing to extend a hand, try to understand the other view point, or try to compromise. Both sides are on their side of the river, roots firmly in place, yelling 'No You Move' to the other side. And when neither side wants to move all that is left is revolt.

Sorry to open a back issue review with something so morose.

With that concept of labeling and hating someone as other, I thought I would review the Superman Family #194 Supergirl story in which hate is used as a weapon, a weapon that can only be defeated by love.

Released in 1978, the Supergirl story is a clear commentary on Stanford Prison Experiment, a psychological experiment done on the Stanford campus in 1971. I do wonder why it took 7 years for the story to come out. I don't know how fresh in the public memory this experiment was at the time of the issue's release. As someone who (I know I am dating myself here) bought this issue off the spinner rack, I certainly didn't know about it.

Overall it is a decent if simple story of how the concept of 'the other' and hate can roar out of control. And it will take clear thinking and compassion to defeat it.

On to the story.