Showing posts with label Ty Templeton. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Ty Templeton. Show all posts

Wednesday, September 13, 2017

Boston Comic Con Recap #3: Ty Templeton Commission

The summer is my convention season and as those who have read prior posts know, I do my best to be completely prepped. I pull books out for signatures, attempt to line up some commissions prior to the actual day, or at least eye the guest list and try to work out some priority list of whose table I'll be running to first.

This year's Boston Comic Con was one of those cons that I felt a but unprepared for. Outside of chatting with Matthew Clark on Twitter beforehand, I hadn't been able to line up much. And I had a list of artists I was hoping to get who I quickly realized were outside of my price range.

But here is the thing. Sometimes it all works out well.

I knew Ty Templeton was going to be at the con and I love his art, especially on covers of Who's Who. I didn't even think about getting a commission from him before the show. I thought, for some reason, that maybe he wouldn't be doing them. When I found out he was, I jumped.

For an absurdly reasonable price, I got this full color, unbelievably gorgeous commission of Supergirl. From the pose to the expression to the detail, it all just sings.

I can't believe I lucked into this piece.

But wait, there's more.

Wednesday, August 23, 2017

Boston Comic Con 2017: Overview & Tom Grummett Commission

<![endif]-->I wasn’t 100% sure if I was going to head to Boston ComicCon this year. I liked the more comic-centric feel this show has had since its inception. I knew that FanExpo had bought it out and that it would probably have a more corporate, more celebrity-fueled feel to it than in the past. Incredibly, the driving force for me to go was the ardent passion of my youngest two daughters have for Steven Universe. When they heard Zach Callison (voice of Steven) was going to be there, it was a foregone conclusion. We were going.

With that now a fait d’accompli I had to decide my mission for the con. There were a number of creators at the con that I definitely wanted to meet. Peter Tomasi, Tom Grummett, Matthew Clark, Jonboy Meyers, Ty Templeton, and Tom King were all new faces for me. And there were other creators who I had met before that I wanted to run into again, most notably Tana Ford and Joelle Jones. And I grabbed any commission sketches while there that would be gravy. I decided to go Friday by myself to get my stuff out of the way. This way Saturday was a family day.

First things first. The venue, the Boston Convention and Exhibition Center was massive. It was big enough that people could line up inside and wait in the air conditioning as opposed to outside in the baking sun (like at the old venue). There was a lot of space so the con didn't feel claustrophobic (although the comic area did feel somewhat cramped). And there was a food court inside the building which made lunch easy.

The pass I got allowed me to enter the con space at 2pm as opposed to official opening of 4p. Amazingly many of the comic creators also filed in early. As a result I got much of the 'heavy lifting' out of the way.

I was also able to get a sketch book into the hands Tom Grummett. He signed issues for free. And a full body commission was very affordable. Despite being that early I was already something like 6 on his list so he told me to check in on Saturday afternoon.

Sure enough, the following day,  he presented me this fabulous commission. I am thrilled. There is a nice little feeling of mischief behind that innocent look. And she looks young, like the current Supergirl should.

I'll post the other commissions I got on later days. But I thought I would share some of the Supergirl specific issues I got signed.