Showing posts with label Superman: The Legend cards. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Superman: The Legend cards. Show all posts

Saturday, June 22, 2013

Superman:The Legend Supergirl Card

I have talked about the Superman: The Legend cards before and as I feared they have become an impulse buy each week as I cash out at my comic store.

Finally, luck won out and I got a Supergirl card in this week's pack with art by Mahmud Asrar.

I suppose the use of the world Legend in the title allows DC to use some artistic license in the info on the cards. We see all sorts of versions of a variety of incarnations of the Superman characters rather than simply the New 52 information.

And that is seen pretty clearly here on the Supergirl card sporting the belly shirt costume from the last version of Kara. It also is a more angelic Supergirl, floating among the clouds, the birds flying with her. I don't know if the expression is bemused or pensive. But one thing it isn't ... it isn't angry.

And it isn't the New 52 costume either.

I asked Mahmud Asrar about the artistic choice and he said both the costume and concept were specified to him. Fascinating ...

And here are the words he was given.

Happy and carefree!

Not at all like the New 52 Kara.

Unfortunately, the text on the card is pretty sparse. We are given a couple of lines about how she is older but arrived later. I do love that she got the coveted #2 slot in the card deck, right after Superman himself.

But there is nothing about her powers.

Nothing about her personality.

Too bad. I would have loved some line which defined her personality in some way. Although, given the scattershot approach to continuity in this card set, I suppose the vaguer the text the better.

Anyways, I love the art here. And I am still hoping to get a Kara Kent, Silver Banshee, and World Killer card. I suppose I should bite the bullet and buy a complete set off EBay rather than hoping luck is waiting for me in a random pack.

Thursday, May 2, 2013

DC Comics Superman: The Legend Cards With Some Mahmud Asrar Examples

I can't recall the last time I actually collected trading cards. Probably not since the DC Comics Cosmic Cards from 1991. I still have my 'Golden Age Superman' card with art by Steve Rude, staring me in the face most mornings from my office desk (and horribly faded after 32 years).

With the upcoming Superman movie, the merchandise machine is churning and so DC Comics Superman: The Legend card set is coming out. Here is the promotional blurb (thanks to the Superman Home Page).

Collect your favorite citizens of Metropolis with the trading card set dedicated to the Man of Steel, Superman! Written by comic book writer Adam Beechen, the cards will provide insight from an insider's perspective. Superman has appeared in many forms and costumes, and one of the chase sets will take a look at some of the fan favorites. Sketch cards will be included in every 24 packs, so be on the lookout for your chance to collect an original piece of art based on one of the greatest Super Heroes of all time!

For me, I love the fact that this series is a complete look at Superman's history and characters. So we should see all the versions of Superman's costumes from Siegel and Shuster's original costume all the way up the Jim Lee's New 52 version. 

And it seems that it won't just be Superman showcased in this series but all members of the Superman Family! On his site, Mahmud Asrar has been posting some of his art being used for the series. 

First up, Supergirl in the belly shirt costume (which means we might be seeing all her costumes in the series as well).

 And here is his Lois Lane. 

And here is a young Morrison-style Superman.

Just great stuff by Asrar!

I can already tell that if these are in my comic store that I will be picking up a pack as I cash out ... the ultimate impulse buy.