Showing posts with label Supergirl Show. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Supergirl Show. Show all posts

Monday, December 27, 2021

Supergirl Show 620: Kara

On November 9th of this year, the last episode of Supergirl aired, episode 620, titled 'Kara'.

Here we are 7 weeks later and I am just getting around to reviewing it.

Why has it taken so long?

Well, I will admit that these last two months of my life has been about as hectic as my life has ever been.

Also, I have been trying to figure out how to review this episode which stands as both the season finale and the show finale.

In the end, I am probably more forgiving of this episode than I should be, particularly the end of the Nyxly/Lex story because it is the end of the show.

One thing that I think is thought provoking about this episode is the theme that Kara has felt weighed down with having to defend the entire world. She wants to empower and inspire people to be their own hero (good idea). She wants to lead a full life for herself (also a good idea). 

But it makes it sound like she finds being Supergirl a burden. It is hard for me to feel like she has felt that weight given she is one of 7 heroes on this one show! Plus there is Superman, Flash, and the Legends. But okay, maybe it is being the 'premier' hero that weighs on her. And I also think while it is great to empower people this way, I don't know if she can feel less pressure because people are stepping up if the world is facing a threat like the Anti-Monitor.

I suppose one of the central themes of this entire show has been discovering who you are, accepting yourself, accepting others, and thriving. So I suppose this final idea hammers it home. I just wish we had one more season (or even a half season) to explore this new reality of Kara.

Lastly, I am glad the show runners and writers made sure to stuff this finale with cameos and history,

I am sad to see this show go. Melissa Benoist captured Kara perfectly. She will be missed.

On to the details.

Wednesday, December 1, 2021

Supergirl Show 619: The Last Gauntlet

I suppose it has been nearly a month since the Supergirl series finale was aired, 2 episode (619 and 620) aired back to back.

The two episodes have been sitting on my DVR since then, unwatched. Part of me wonders if this was a sort of Schrodinger's Cat phenomenon in my fandom. If I haven't seen it, it could be very good. (Obviously, it could also be very bad.) Because as this Totem storyline moved forward, it has become more and more erratic. 

While I have simply accepted the idea of totems and the Allstone, it is the character side of this storyline that has been difficult for me. Characters aren't acting the way I would anticipate them to act. The strategies the hero team has set up have been a bit insane or a bit ludicrous. And, despite Melissa Benoist maintaining her high-end acting of Kara, Supergirl has been pushed to the periphery, a bit player in her own series end.

Episode 619, The Last Gauntlet, is unfortunately more of the same. 

I will forever love this show. It brought the idea of Supergirl to the mainstream. Melissa Benoist has been a revelation. Chyler Leigh as Alex, for the most part, has been a nice addition to the Supergirl family. And I got to see my favorite hero on the small screen for 6 years.

So let's just dive into this episode and enjoy the good parts.

Tuesday, November 9, 2021

Supergirl Show 618: Truth Or Consequences

Tonight the two hour series finale of Supergirl will air. That means I have to catch up by reviewing last week's episode, episode 618, titled Truth Or Consequences.

As I have said in prior reviews of this back half of the season, the overall plot of Nyxly trying to gather totems to create an Allstone to rewrite the universe has been a hard one to wrap my head around. The logic doesn't make great sense. The timeline where she unites them in the future is making me wibbly-wobbly. The weaponization of the totems makes many action sequences the equivalent of our heroes pointing Iron Man style gloves at the villains, blasting rays of ... emotion? I don't know. And the heroes strategies and even intellect sometimes seem off. 

But as friends have said, this is the ride we are on, live or die.

What is interesting is that while the details of what exactly is happening is a cipher, the emotional beats of the show remain strong. This episode we see that in full force. There is a disagreement between the Danvers sisters, one where both sides have a legitimate quibble. Andrea has to look into the mirror and question her morality. J'onn gets to play papa. Brainy and Nia try to come to terms with a romance doomed by timelines. And Nyxly gets to be impish and amorous.

Perhaps the biggest surprise, and spoilers here, was the death of William. Now I have to admit that in prior seasons, I have found William to be about as interesting as a block of wood. But the back half of this season, he has been one of the strongest characters on the show. He is a solid reporter. He is the point of view character for humanity. He has the strongest ethics on the show. And, dare I say it, he has had good chemistry with the others. His death seems pointless, almost a fridging. 

As always, Melissa Benoist is brilliant mixing physical gestures, expressions, body language, and dialogue to bring all the complexity of Kara to the small screen. I can't believe this is the end. We all knew we had something special with Benoist. I'll miss seeing her donning the S-Shield.

On to recaps and thoughts.

Thursday, November 4, 2021

Supergirl Show 617: I Believe In A Thing Called Love

Back to back show reviews! I said I would try to catch up!

Last week, episode 617 of the Supergirl show aired, titled 'I believe in a thing called love'.

This was another episode which has brief moments of emotional brilliance for Supergirl. We have sensed how troubled she is this season. She has suffered from her time in the Phantom Zone and is still trying to heal. She is frustrated, thinking she is letting the world and everyone near to her down. And she has the weight of the world on her shoulders as she tries to lead her team in defeating Nyxly. Throughout these episode, Melissa Benoist has been able to emote so wonderfully. And this time is no different.

But what I liked about this episode is we see how much the emotion of love has impacted just about everyone. The Love Totem is here pushing the plot forward. But love is here as well. Lex is in love with Nyxly, a doomed romance from the 31st century it turns out. Alex and Kelly are truly in love with Alex aiming to propose. J'onn loves his new family but is still reeling internally from the death of his Martian one. All these characters reel a bit from love and loving. In particular, Lex being completely smitten is a hoot. Jon Cryer always plays Lex well and here is no different.

One thing I have cheered in this last season is how well the writers have leaned into the show's history and we see that here again.

It is unfortunate in some ways that Supergirl is just one of the ensemble and not the main star. But Benoist continues to just win me over. 

On to the episode.

Wednesday, November 3, 2021

Supergirl 616: Nightmare In National City

 Life comes at you hard sometimes and I don't have a time stone or a speed totem. So I am a few episodes behind in reviewing this last season of Supergirl. I promise I will do my best to catch up so I do the review of the series finale around the time it airs.

So here I am reviewing an episode from three weeks ago, episode 616 title 'Nightmare in National City'.

Overall I thought this was a very solid episode. The main focus is to wrap up some Dreamer plotlines which have been percolating over the last couple of seasons. Nicole Maines does a very good job here, showing how difficult Nia's relationship with her sister Maeve has been on many levels and bringing in pride and confidence to her identity. This is our last chance to be with these characters so giving Nia some closure makes sense.

This episode also gives us some solid Supergirl/Kara moments. While the action is there briefly, this is more about showing how Kara is struggling with the life she is living. She is living parts of two lives here. I think she is still recovering from the pain of the Phantom Zone as well. There is this low level despair in her, something I'm not used to seeing in the usually smiling and bubbly Kara. Melissa Benoist, as usual, really crushes it here letting her expression and body language do as much acting as the words.

And yes, the Nyxly plot is pushed forward a little. I don't know if I exactly know what the Super Friends are thinking strategically this back half of the season. Throwing Hope into the sun made little sense last episode. Their bottling of a monster in a city this episode also seems suspect. 

But even an episode like this will be missed when the show is gone. Benoist has become Kara. She will be missed.

On to the episode.

Thursday, October 14, 2021

Supergirl 615: Hope For Tomorrow

The latest episode of the Supergirl series, titled Hope For Tomorrow, aired this week. These episodes are getting to be a little bit tricky to break down and critique. 

It is my usual intro here. This is another fun episode for this back end of the final season with the Super Friends battling the 5th Dimensional Imp, Nyxly. There are super-heroics. Supergirl is at the center of the action. We see totems and gauntlets. And Alex and Kelly become moms. All of that works.

We get the further progression of Lena as a sorceress, something I am still getting used to. Her neophyte powers going toe to toe against a Mxyzptlk-ian level power isn't helping me get used to it. And we get a tactical decision by our heroes that is so bizarre that I am scratching my chin over it. 

But overall this felt like a super-hero show with Supergirl at the center and the good guys using their powers to hopefully save the world. Given some prior episodes and seasons, I have to be happy with that.

On to the particulars.

Thursday, September 30, 2021

Supergirl Show 613: The Gauntlet

Supergilr episode 613, The Gauntlet, aired this week and was one of the more enjoyable episodes of the season. This was a high point.

We got progression of the main plot, Nyxly trying to unite magic totems to create a super-weapon. There is a fair amount of action and Supergirl is part of it. The show, as it has done this whole season, leans into its continuity heavily. That all works.

This also is the last chance for these actors to play these characters. So this episode also allows our characters to break from their mold a little bit. They all get courage but it effects them all differently. If you have followed these characters for 6 years, this almost felt a little like comedy. I loved that too. In particular, and in what is becoming a sort of weekly statement, Jesse Rath as Brainy just slays. And, as always, Melissa Benoist is wonderful as Supergirl and Kara, showing hope and relying on her family and friends. Wish we saw some of this in the comics.

And I have to admit that I was wrong in thinking that the characters themselves are the totems. But I will hold on to the hope that I will end up being right in some way. 

On to the details!

Thursday, September 23, 2021

Supergirl Show 612: Blind Spots

Supergirl episode 612, titled Blind Spots, aired this week and dealt primarily with racism, discrimination, and the difficulty people of color have getting others to see the problem. Blind Spots is an appropriate title.

As a middle-aged white male, it is hard for me to comment on the topic too much. I try to be the best ally I can be. But obviously I can't empathize with the issues being discussed here. And it will be hard to criticize the execution of this episode with it potentially sounding like I am criticizing the message. I would never do the latter. As such, don't expect too much commentary here. It will me more like a plot synopsis rather than a deep dive.

I will say a couple of things up front. 

This was definitely a 'tell me' social episode, not a 'show me'. There are actually some nice subtle ways that disparity and inequality are shown in this episode, like the councilwoman literally siphoning off the life of the disenfranchised. But a lot of this is in your face. That can work sometimes. 

Second, the Super Friends aren't aware that Nyxly's powers aren't working. They are trying to stop her from putting together a potentially universe-destroying weapon, trillions of lives at stake. So while noble, Kelly yelling at her friends for not helping the 20-odd people sick in the hospital seems a bit short-sighted. But I guess that was the point of this episode. That sometimes you need to see the trees and not the forest.

This was thought-provoking, and maybe conversation-provoking for families watching it. 

Thursday, September 16, 2021

Supergirl Show 611: Mxy In The Middle

Supergirl episode 611, title 'Mxy in the Middle' aired this week. Going in I assumed I was going to like this episode. With Thomas Lennon reprising his role as Mr. Mxyzptlk, it was going to take something dramatic for me not to like it.

This episode propelled the Nyxly plot forward, giving our villain a sympathetic back story and making her a victim of 'the patriarchy'. As such, our heroes keep giving the 5th dimensional imp the benefit of the doubt, hoping they can talk her down from a life of revenger. I suppose this whole back season is going to be a parade of social issues and this one is women being taken advantage of or forsaken by 'the man'. Who would think that the 5th dimension would have such issues.

And as always, Supergirl is only part of the story. Nia and Brainy have as much to do, if not more, than our hero. In fact, in what is becoming an unhappy norm, she barely has any of the big moments in this episode. She continues to espouse hope and self-improvement. But she throws no punch, defeats no monster.

There is a mega-dose of exposition that will pad out the plot of the remaining episodes, explaining what Nyxly will be up to. But I pity our heroes who can't solve the obvious riddle laid out before them.

Still, Thomas Lennon does a great job as Mxyzptlk, although he isn't allowed to do much magic. Still he is frenetic and silly enough to make me hope we see more of him.

On to the details.

Thursday, September 9, 2021

Supergirl Show 610: Still I Rise

Supergirl episode 610, titled 'Still I Rise', aired earlier this week and was another very solid episode for the back end of this final season.  Once more this is a socially relevant episode covering another important topic of gentrification and affordable housing. But unlike prior seasons, this episode showed us the problem, had a plot around it, and didn't just tell us the problem.

We also get a nice push forward of the Nyxly storyline with the imp becoming a much bigger threat. We also get progress with Nia and her need for closure with her family. I also like the role that Brainy is playing this entire season. Jesse Rath is a delight. 

Kara is the straw that stirs the drink here, being a key part of the storyline in both her civilian and superhero identities. She still doesn't have much action to do here. But Melissa Benoist is just stellar in both sides of the character. I have said it before and I will say it again, she is just perfect for the role.

Lastly, I like how the continuity of the show is being leaned into, both from earlier this season and even from the first season. I'll be sad to see this show leave the air.

On to the show.

Thursday, September 2, 2021

Supergirl Show 609: Dream Weaver

Supergirl episode 609, titled Dream Weaver, aired this week and was a pretty solid episode dealing with a couple of 'real life' stories as well as setting up an interesting plotline regarding the presumed big bad for the back half of the season.

Of all the CW DC shows, Supergirl has definitely veered the most into social commentary. We have seen individual episodes about racism and gun control, whole seasons about immigration, even discussion on isolation via technology. I applaud the show's approach as it makes Supergirl stand out against the others.

At times the execution of these arcs has been a little bit too preachy or over the top. Sometimes things got a little cringey. It felt for me like the topic surpassed the story and so as a whole those episodes didn't work. 

This episode was the opposite. There are social issues being explored here. The corrupt nature of some prisons is here. The overcrowding of the social services system, leading to some unsavory behavior of workers is here. We clearly get what the show is trying to say. But those are baked into the story. None of this came off as a sermon.

A lot of that has to come from the fact that those plots make up about half the episode. The other half is Nia still dealing with the death of her mother and how she is willing to make a deal with the devil to try and move past that. With the space given to Nia, the other plots have to stay tight, without overly long monologues. 

And we finally get to see Supergirl in action, albeit briefly. She even uses her most powerful weapon, a speech about hope.

So far so good for this back half of the last season. On to the details.

Thursday, August 26, 2021

Supergirl Show 608: Welcome Back Kara

The Supergirl show finally came off hiatus this week. The second half of this ultimate season for the show started with an episode titled 'Welcome Back, Kara'. Given that the first half of the season for the most part had Supergirl trapped in the Phantom Zone, keeping her separated from her Earthly family (while reuniting her with her birth father Zor-El), I was looking forward to this episode, bringing the great cast together and starting the last great arc.

For me, one of the best parts of this show has been the Danvers sisters. I still hold out hope that Supergirl and Brainy will find love. I have loved the dastardly Luthor family, Lex and Lillian, doing their best to destroy the world. And I have missed Melissa Benoist interacting with everyone. She *is* the best part of the show. 

I mean, can you imagine a young girl who has seen Benoist's hero, talking about 'help, hope and compassion', heading into a comic store and reading Tom King's Kara? Two different Supergirls. I guess maybe I needed Benoist and her take on Kara more than ever.

I suppose I would have been a bit more upset about the 3 plus month hiatus if Superman And Lois hadn't been such a great show, filling the need for a super-show on the small screen phenomenally. 

This episode was a nice way to get back into the show again. We have supporting character subplots. We have the end of the Zor-El story. We have Alex and Kara supporting and caring for each other. And we have so many Supergirl standards - couches, balconies, battles, and  hugs. It felt like I was slipping into a warm bath. I will say Supergirl doesn't get the best action moments. But the team does well. Suffice it to say I was a happy fan to have the show back on and to dive into this version of Supergirl again! 
On to the show.

Friday, May 14, 2021

Supergirl Show 607: Fear Knot

The mid-season finale of Supergirl season six, titled 'Fear Knot' aired earlier this week and I have to say I was pretty entertained by the episode.

First things first, for a midseason finale, our title character Supergirl  is barely in the episode. Like, barely. 

Now it is hard to know just how much of this was dictated by Melissa Benoist's limited availability. But after the two flashback episodes of Midvale, 2 episodes I thoroughly enjoyed, I was hoping for some Supergirl time.

All that said, this was a very solid episode for the rest of the team as they embark on a very dangerous mission into the Phantom Zone and face down their greatest fears. There is some callbacks to prior plots and character histories. There are some possible callbacks to prior episode moments. There is even an obvious monster movie homage.  And it laid out in an innovative way with a nice swerve that set up things up nicely. 

I have to point out the solid performances by old friends David Harewood and Chyler Leigh. Each have very great moments. 

And lastly, we have a nice cliffhanger to bring us into the back half of the show. 

Now we only have to wait until August!!

On to the show.

Friday, May 7, 2021

Supergirl Show 606: Prom Again


Supergirl episode #606 came out this week, ending a two-part Midvale flashback story which straightens out the post-Crisis Supergirl history while pushing forward the present day storyline with a Maguffin of Kara DNA.

I loved it.

As I said in last week's review, the key here is the acting. Izabela Vidovic, Olivia Nikkanen, and Eliza  Helm eerily channel Melissa Benoist, Chyler Leigh, and Calista Flockhart here. Almost too well. I honestly felt like I was watching younger versions of the actors. And Jesse Rath and Nicole Maines also contribute some fun scenes here, overacting just enough to keep this light and fun.

Just as importantly, given that this is a new timeline, I wanted this episode to fit into continuity. We need to understand why Kara is working for Cat Grant and not using her powers in the pilot. And why would she be doing that if she is already 'supering' here in high school. For the most part, I think this episode provides that link in the chain.

But most importantly is that every character in these episodes has an arc and grows in some way. Given we are talking about 6 characters, that means it is extremely well written. 

Kara understands that her future isn't set in stone. She has decisions to make and a life to live. 
Alex knows that while she still needs to protect her sister, Kara can hold her own and doesn't need smothering.
Brainy learns that emotions can be tough to deal with but also important. You need to endure and embrace them.
Nia learns that she is powerful and that her knowledge of her powers will continue to grow as she does.
Cat Grant learns she needs to be free of the cage of drivel Perry White has locked her in and needs to find her destiny.
And heck, even Kenny Li learns that he is just a human. And while Kara inspires him, he needs to shy away from danger now and then.

That's a lot of plot to revolve around a prom!

The bottom line is I am sad because this is probably the final time we will see Vidovic and Nikkanen as these characters. Unless the CW does something smart like put out a 'Young Kara' movie event next year.

On to the show!

Friday, April 30, 2021

Supergirl Show 605: Prom Night

Supergirl episode 605, titled Prom Night (another movie title!), aired earlier this week. This series has veered towards overly serious and overly topical at times. So I was thrilled to watch this episode as it was one of the most entertaining episodes I have seen in a long time.

Yes, it is a time travel episode and with that it is filled with the usual timey-wimey conundrums. And we already had an 'Arrowverse' time travel episode this season on The Flash.

This one rewards long time viewers of the show by leaning into the history of the characters. Obviously, it harkens back to Midvale from way back in season 3. It shows us some of the early moments of Kara as she tries to figure out her place in the world. But this is a post-Crisis history and so there are new elements to this history, changes, 

But it is the actors that make this episode as special as it is. Jesse Rath gets to let it all hang out, cut free of any reins he has had on him. Eliza Helm channels  Calista Flickhart as a young Cat Grant. And the absolutely uncanny performances by Olivia Nikkanen as young Alex and Izabela Vidovic as young Kara that makes this a delight. Seriously, Nikkanen does such a spot on Chyler Leigh, down to expressions and speech emphasis that I felt like I was watching Leigh. 

There will need to be some explanations about how this current history jibes with what we know to be true (Kara hiding her powers, Alex losing her way and getting recruited by the DEO, etc. But that can be worked out later. For now I'll just enjoy it.

On to the details.

Friday, April 23, 2021

Supergirl Show 604: Lost Souls

 Supergirl episode 604, titled 'Lost Souls', aired this week and was another fast paced, 'hold on I have a crazy comic book explanation' episode which already seemingly tied up one of the major plots of this young season, the plague of phantoms on Earth. Alas, I can't think of a movie title which ties into the episode title.

As I said, we wrap up the Prime Phantom plotline here but with the most insane science a Bronze Age writer could shake a pencil at. Whether it is soul percentages, Ghostbuster homages, mirror portals, soul chrysalis, or DNA sensors, you just have to roll with it. Astonishingly, it all works. I grew up on comic book science. It is fun to see it on the small screen.

Outside that, the strength really has been the character development we have seen in this handful of episodes. It is great to see Kara act the hero here, pulling her dad forward. And it great to see that inspiration still impacting her friends on Earth. In fact, like last week, Katie McGrath kills it as Lena Luthor with several excellent scenes. 

And it was great to see the old series opener again with Kara talking of being a refugee and referencing her saving Alex's plane! It made me nostalgic. 

On to the show.

Friday, April 16, 2021

Supergirl Show 603: Phantom Menaces

'Phantom Menaces', the second episode in this last season of Supergirl, aired earlier this week. If the first two episodes are any indication, things are going to happen fast. Some of those things might have explanations. Some may not. But whatever you do, don't blink.  But will the pace detract?

Like last week's, this episode has basically four plots. One is the heroes dealing with the new threat of phantoms on Earth. There is a lot of quick exposition about the phantoms. What they are. How they conquer. How they replicate. And there is a lot of talk about the soul. If you thought the phantoms were curt rate Dementors last week, you'll think their actual Dementors now.

Then there is the Lena and Lex subplot which brings Brainy along for the ride. I have to say, this plot had the best acting of the three. In particular, Katie McGrath really crushes it this week. She brings it. She holds her own against Jon Cryer's Lex and that is no easy thing.

Then there is the characters continued response to Supergirl's absence. Whether they are grieving or burying their emotions or just missing her, Supergirl being gone is impacting our heroes.

But let's not forget whose show this is. The last plot is Supergirl in the Phantom Zone, finding a friend and continuing her struggle to get free.  Melissa Benoist just sparkles.

Last thoughts before digging into the show itself. One, the Phantoms in the Zone remind me a little bit too much of the phony Phantoms Zor-El claimed haunted the Els in the dreaded Joe Kelly run of the Supergirl comic. Also, given last week's 'A Few Good Women' and this week's 'Phantom Menaces', looks like our episode titles will all be riffs on movie titles.

On to the show!

Friday, April 9, 2021

Supergirl Show #602 Review: A Few Good Women

Supergirl episode 602 came out this week and was titled 'A Few Good Women'. My guess is the title is a bit of a riff on the movie 'A Few Good Men'. In that movie, Tom Cruise tricks Jack Nicholson into admitting his crimes and thus making sure some justice is meted out.  We'll see how that plays out here.

Basically, the episode has three plots running through it. 

One is the remaining heroes trying to rescue Supergirl out of the Phantom Zone by breaking into it. This is a solid plot showing how the loss of Supergirl has impacted all of these supporting characters. I think I said it here but my sense is this season will have a bit of a 'Funeral For A Friend' feel to it. We will learn what these characters feel as they cope with the loss of Supergirl.

The second plot is Supergirl adapting to the Phantom Zone and trying to figure out a way to break free. She meets someone close to her within the Zone in a twist that has a sort of comic relevance to it. Guess it isn't spoilers to say it here in the introduction. She meets Zor-El. And that is pretty cool.

But it is the last plot which I find truly fascinating. Lex Luthor is on trial. We see how Andrea, Lena, Lillian, and even Eve Tessmacher are dealing with this.  This is definitely setting up one of the major plots of the season. And given the political bent of this series, no surprise it has a Trumpian feel to the villains.

Before we get into details, I have to say the acting in this episode was brilliant. Melissa Benoist is just a superstar, showing great emotional depth. Chyler Leigh wears her heart on her sleeve when dealing with her sister's absence. But Branda Strong and Katie McGrath steal the show with their cunning Luthor-ness.

On to the details.

Friday, April 2, 2021

Supergirl Show 601: Rebirth

The season premiere of Supergirl season 6 aired earlier this week, an episode titled 'Rebirth'.  We have learned that this will be the last season of the show as well as a shortened season as well. 

I am sure I will have a lot to say about Supergirl as the season and the show wraps up. But I will start out by saying that I am delighted that we got this. Supergirl became well-known, a household world, and was portrayed magnificently by Melissa Benoist. Sure things were clunky in places. But who cares? I got to see my favorite hero on the screen for 6 years. Not everyone can say that, even in this super-hero heavy day. 

This season also has the uphill task of wrapping up last season. The pandemic made season five rush to a conclusion, and maybe not the best one. So this premiere has a dual task. It has to finish last season and it has to start up the main storylines of this season.

In many ways this felt like more like a finale and not a premiere. The cliffhanger at the end of this episode would have been brilliant as a cliffhanger at the end of a season. I wonder how much of this was filmed last year. And a lot needs to happen in this episode. Much of the things which happen are given little explanation or maybe a hand wave. We get a lot of comic book science. I give credit to the writers for this whirlwind. And I give big credit to the stars for pulling it off while giving us some emotional character moments.

And get ready for many deus ex machina that keep things going. 

Buckle up!

Monday, January 11, 2021

Sterling Gates/Sarah Leuver Supergirl Show Comic

Happy New Year!

I know we are more than a week into 2021 but this little gift from Sterling Gates and @comickergirl Sarah Leuver gave fans of Supergirl and the Supergirl show a true gift, a 6 page mini-comic. Gates explained he did it as a gift to the producers of the show. But for Kara fans and show fans, it is the best present.

I'll present the pages as is with a little commentary at the bottom. 

"Remember Me" covers so many of the best things of not only the show but Gates' run on the title lo so many years ago.

This quick tour of Kara's life by looking at a week is just a delightful mix showing how complicated she is. Free spirit, singing Katy Perry. Fierce warrior fighting supervillains. (Love the Facet namedrop, the antagonist in Gates' Adventures of Supergirl comic.) Survivor of loss, remembering her parents and wondering if she upholds her original culture. And role model, espousing and truly living the motto of 'Hope, help, and compassion for all.'

This is her life.

And frankly, its the life I want to read. 

 Add to that Leuwer's great art, fun and breezy, expressive and soulful. She really captures Kara (and Melissa Benoist's) emotions.

I won't complain about other takes on the character. I'll just say that DC should take note of this as a template for whatever they have planned next for Supergirl. Heck, get this team on the book. 

Thanks again to the creators. Amazing stuff!